Page 91 of Rise

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Lena grumbled beside me, holding her hand to her head, “I shouldn’t have drank so much last night.

I couldn’t help but laugh, and when she opened one eye, her body jerked.

And then almost as if it were in a movie, she bolted up out of mine and Tank’s bed.

She looked around the room, and then at me, “Umm, apparently, I can’t remember half of the night. How the hell did we get here?”

I couldn’t help but laugh my butt off.

“Well, it just so happened that someone had to carry you to the truck. And then carry you into my house, and then put you to bed. And you were put in our bed because we didn’t think you would make it to the bathroom on your own if you needed to puke.”

When she bit her lip, and asked, “Who was it?”

I pretended to play with her, and then said, nonchalantly, “Oh, just the man you were thinking about all night.”

She buried her head in her hands and groaned, “It’s too early for games, Raine. Tell me. Please. Please tell me I didn’t make a fool of myself in front of him.”

I knew who she was talking about.

So, I said, “You didn’t. He said you were adorable and wished you would lower your defenses around him more.”

“Really? He… he said that?” It took everything in me to not start laughing again. I didn’t know why she was fighting the chemistry between the two of them.

I got out of bed, walked to the bathroom, stepped through the doorway, and then said, “Nope. He just said you were weird, and he didn’t understand you.”

And with that, I slammed the door, locked it, and then laughed when something was thrown at the door.

After my shower, I pulled on something that would be easy to take off and not mess up my hair and make-up.

We had four hours to get ready. Nails. Hair. And then a brunch with the women of Wrath MC.

Tank and my father had a no holds barred argument on who was paying for what.

Tank had almost won until my dad pulled out the big guns with, “Do you love her?”

Tank had sighed, knowing Storm had him, and then shook his head and said, “More than the oxygen I need.”

My dad nodded proudly, satisfaction on his face, “Good. Then you’ll let me pay for everything.”

Smiling at the memory, I headed to the kitchen to start the coffee that we would both need and let Lena take her shower.

Four hours later, the entire female population of Wrath MC, which were, Lena, Shea, Cassidee, Novalie, Marley, Kiera, Valerie, Creedence, Miriam, Phoebe, Pebbles, Sydney, Ebony, Lucy, Fiona, Kirri, Kynnydee, Lil, Rosa, June, Hailey, Michelle, Laci, Mackenzie, Wren, Harlow, Chelsea, Conleigh, Collins, Shiloh, Layla, Ember, and even the Ariel DeLuca and Caristiona Svanokov, where all gathered around the wide circle of tables enjoying brunch.

And when I say that the room had tighter protection than the President of the United States, it’s not a joke. Because, around the room at every exit stood a man keeping an eye out, and at every door on the outside held the same.

Laughter. Tears. Jokes. Were all plentiful around the room.

And after we were done eating and drinking Mimosas for the ones that could drink, and orange juice for the ones that couldn’t, several of the men laughed and had to help their women to their respective seats.

We all also saw how protective a few of the men were towards a few of the girls.

Two hours later, and a small amount of makeup because Tank didn’t like it when I wore too much, and neither did I. In fact, he had told me multiple times that he preferred the look I had on my face when I woke up every morning.

We were in the bridal suite of the winery that my father had rented out, and Lena asked, “Seriously, what did he say?”

She had just zipped up the back of my dress.

I turned to her after it was zipped and then placed my hands on her shoulders, “Sweetie, you need to talk to him. Ask him what he said.”
