Page 92 of Rise

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She bit her lip and looked so unsure that I almost didn’t recognize her, “And you’re okay with it?”

I smiled, “If I wasn’t would I be encouraging you to talk to him? Besides, there’s no one else I could ever want for him other than you. When I was growing up, I was the only one that could make him smile. Until you came along.”

A slow smile started to form, and then she whispered, “You’re amazing.”

I huffed out a laugh at that. “I try. Now, let’s finish getting me ready. I’m sure Tank is over this whole waiting thing to see me.”

And I was right.

Because when the double doors opened, my arm wrapped in my father’s, Tank’s eyes landed on me, I saw him wipe a stray tear, and then over the music we all heard, “Fuck this shit.”

And then his ever-present black motorcycle boots were carrying him down the aisle towards me.

My dad stopped and then started laughing at the site.

And what a site it was. It was my dream to see my man in a black tuxedo. And my man wanted me happy, so he had it on.

I was up and, in his arms, his lips on mine as he carried me down the aisle and to Powers who was marrying us.

After Tank sat me down on my feet, he looked at me, “Not even going to apologize if I messed up your lipstick.”

“Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t put any on.” I said with a smile and all the happiness I could muster.

“Thank fuck. And Gray, you in this dress, thank fuck there’s no one here that I have to worry about killing anyone.”

And through the rest of the ceremony, everyone’s laughter filled the entire winery.

And yes, my dad paid to rent it out for the entire day. Because we had a huge family.

Before I knew it, the ceremony was over.

Tank's arm was around my back, his hand resting on my hip, my hair falling down in waves, my back arched, his body bowed, his lips on mine.

I was finally, Raine Lowman Calaveras.

I didn’t miss the looks my dad tossed Lena. Never missed them.

Nor did I miss the blushing of her cheeks when she turned her head away from him. She needed to grow a pair and talk to him.

Sure, to others, their age would’ve been a turn-off.

But in the world of the MC, there were no rules.

And I fucking loved it.

I felt those strong arms wrap around me, and then whispered in my neck, “What’s got that smile on your face, wife?”

Smiling, I said, “I think, for the next thing I do. It’s going to be to get those two together.”

“Yeah. What makes you say that?” he asked as I leaned my head back into his chest.

“The way he looks at her. It’s the same as when you look at me.” I told him honestly because it was.

He hummed, “Yeah, I’ve seen it a few times. Think she’s interested in him?”

“Watch…. One… two… three… and there you go.” I smiled triumphantly.

He laughed softly, “Huh. Well damn. Guess she is interested in him.”
