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“You. You. Umm, yeah, and you.” He said.

I couldn’t help but giggle, “Tank, be serious.”

“Damn, but I love that sound. Okay, seriously. I’m thankful I have hearing so I can hear you say you love me, to hear your giggles that light up my day, to hear you sigh, your moan, the small sounds you make when you come, and your growl. I’m thankful to have my sight because living an existence and never knowing what actual beauty looks like would kill me. And finally, I’m thankful you love me.”

“That’s not fair,” I said as I sniffed and pouted that he wasn’t here, which I didn’t like, even though I had been the one that pushed him to go.

“I told you. No one could ever love you as I love you.”

And the next morning when I woke up with our call still connected, I heard, “Good Morning, Beautiful.”

And then I got that phone call.

Seeing Tank stepping off that plane, I smiled wide and then ran to him.

His smile matched my own and then I was up in his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist, my lips on his.

Tongues circling.

Lips bitten.

All of it dancing to our own rhythm that only the two of us could hear.

We didn’t make it home, no, we hadn’t been able to wait that long.

We ended up in his room at the clubhouse.

And emerged with flushed cheeks and everyone laughing their asses off while my dad said, “I could have gone the rest of my fucking life without hearing that shit.”

Chapter 18


I was happy. Oh, so happy.

Today was the day.

The day I had been waiting for my entire life.

I was marrying my best friend.

The one person that knew everything about me.

My hopes.

My dreams.

My fears.

My wants.

My desires.

Everything about me.

Opening my eyes, I glanced at the clock and smiled.

Seven hours from now, I was walking down the aisle.
