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Peyton’s apartment was eccentric in its Bohemian theme, making it beautifully unique. The look was maintained by thrift store finds, all of which she selected for her apartment.

Though the kitchen of her home was not very big, there was enough space for the bar she installed, since she only had a round table with two chairs. The bar, however, held up to four people.

“Look who I resurrected, ladies,” Taylor announced her presence with her arms open wide.

An hour before she had forced Alina into the bath, insisting that she scrub from head to toe. When Alina finally emerged from the bathroom, Taylor was waiting with what she deemed basic for beautification. Alina fumed as Taylor twisted and tugged at her hair, detangling and straightening the mass. Then she took to Alina’s face, first cleansing and moisturizing, before applying a generous amount of makeup in an attempt to hide Alina’s dark circles. Alina had complained and tried to flee on numerous occasions, but Taylor wouldn’t allow her.

“It was the hardest quest yet, but I, Taylor, always complete my task.” Indeed, she did. Even when Alina refused to put on the denim romper, Taylor practically forced it on her, while Alina lay on the bed, enduring the twisting and turning.

Now, the group clapped as Taylor bowed and displayed her trophy. Alina stood with her lips pressing together, sighing heavily.

“Come, Alina, have a seat. You’ll feel better once you have a couple of drinks.” Bailey pulled out a stool.

“Are you going to be joining us tonight?” Alina said, sliding onto the stool next to her friend, who hugged her tightly.

Bailey had recently done a myomectomy to remove cyst and was prohibited from drinking. “I’m in the all-clear now. So, bring on the drinks.”

“Don’t even think about overdoing it,” Peyton instructed her bigger half-sister. “I’m cutting you off as soon as you start rambling.” Peyton was usually soft-spoken and withdrawn but was also known to be quite the firecracker when angered. She had green eyes that were hidden behind the frames of her glasses. Tonight, the frizzy hair she normally kept in a ponytail was flowing in waves around her face. She remained true to her clothing, though with a colorful frock with loose sleeves. Peyton wore beaded jewelry, including the choker she rarely took off.

In this group, Peyton was always the level-headed one, which made others wonder why she was included. Most cast her as an extension of her big sister, but Peyton was as much a friend as everyone else there.

Bailey leaned into Alina’s ears and whispered, “Last week I forgot she was my sister and I called her mom.”

Alina couldn’t help it. The statement made her chuckle despite her depressing state.

Peyton took a sip of her drink and then asked, with her face drooping. “I understand if you don’t really want to talk about it, but what exactly happened between you and Dereck?”

Taylor made a warning cough, and Bailey kicked her sister from underneath the table. Still, Peyton continued. “Taylor and Bailey tried to describe it the best they can, but I’m still confused.”

Noticing that Peyton was not acknowledging the clues the others were sending her, Bailey became more straightforward. She opened her eyes and spoke to her little sister in a harsh tone. “Peyton. Don’t ask her that.”

Alina put up her hand, trying to ease the tension that had suddenly filled the room. She gave a slight smile. “It’s ok,” she told the others, then to Peyton she explained. “Well, you know how Dereck and I couldn’t tolerate each other in the beginning, right?”

Peyton nodded her head, and Alina continued. “Well, he got me so upset the day when I brought Bailey for her checkup that I went home and wrote a letter. Originally, I didn’t intend to send it in…” Alina bowed her head and spoke in a low tone. “… but I got caught up with all the emotions and I sent the letter to the hospital administration. That resulted in an extensive investigation which he mentioned to me, but I was too scared to tell him I was the one who wrote in. I was afraid of losing him. So, I secretly went to the hospital and recanted the letter.” She raised her head and opened her eyes wide. “I thought everything was going to be fine after that, but he found out it was me and got pissed.” Alina blew out hard. “He ended our relationship then, and it is all my fault.”

Peyton stretched across the counter and covered Alina’s hand with her, gently squeezing. “You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. You tried to fix it?”

Alina shook her head. “He wasn’t upset about that. He was upset that I kept it from him.” Alina pouted her lip and crinkled her forehead. “He said I deceived him.”

“Well, if Dereck can’t accept that, then he doesn’t deserve you.” Taylor’s eyes were wide, and she twisted her head as she spoke.

“Yeah girl,” Bailey spoke up. “You’ll find someone better.”

Taylor and Bailey rubbed and massaged their friend’s back and shoulders, cursing Dereck as they did, but when Peyton spoke up on his behalf, they shot daggers at her with their eyes.

“Actually,” Peyton began. “Dereck isn’t wrong. Alina’s deception is a form of betrayal.”

Taylor and Bailey both shouted at her, wondering how she could say such a thing.

“It’s true,” she defended. “We all want to console our friend, but filling her head with lies is not helpful.” Then she spoke directly to Alina, “If the situation was reversed and you were on the receiving end, how would you feel?”

As Alina answered, “Betrayed,” the other women kept her eyes on her.

“Exactly,” Peyton filled Alina’s glass. “So, the question now is, what are you going to do to regain his faith in you?”

Alina drank the entire glass of margarita and released a satisfying sound before answering. “I tried apologizing, but he didn’t want to hear what I had to say.”

Peyton tilted her head. “Alina, you surprise me. When your parents pressured you into becoming a doctor, did you?” She didn’t wait for Alina to answer. “No. You packed up your stuff and moved to New York to make your dreams come true, and now you’re a renowned artist.” She waved her hand in the air. “I didn’t take you as a quitter.”

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