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Taylor spoke for the first time in a while. “Alina is no quitter.” She looked at her friend, widened her eyes, and raised her eyebrows. “Right Alina?”

What Peyton said was true. Alina usually fought for what she wanted, so the question was, did she want Dereck? Alina thought back to their first date and the blissful days that followed. Dereck was the only man she could be vulnerable with, the only one that understood her and she loved him with all her heart. She was willing to do whatever she had to in order to get Dereck back.

Alina turned to look at Bailey, who had the same expression on her face as Taylor. Even Peyton was looking at her with expectation.

Fueled by her friend’s faith in her, Alina pushed back her stool and stood erect with her hands folded in fists at her sides. When she spoke, her brows were furrowed, and she gave strong eye contact. “You know what? I’m going to find Dereck and make him listen to my explanation, and I’m not leaving until he takes me back.”

The other women roared with cheers and encouraged their friend as she gathered her belongings and marched out the door with a proud stride.


Alina took a deep breath and smoothed the front of her romper. It was made of denim and closely fitted to reveal her small waist and firm backside. Taylor had insisted that she only clasp the front zip halfway up to reveal a swelling cleavage. Alina was happy about that now. Anything that would help her win Dereck’s heart again. Taylor had straightened her shoulder-length blonde hair so now it framed her face to enhance her cheeks.

Once again Alina took in a deep breath and slowly released it, this time raising her hand to the door as she did so. Alina rang the bell first, but there was no response. She knew Dereck was not at work. That was the first place she visited and the nurse there told her he was on leave.

After ringing the bell three times, she concluded Dereck was ignoring her. But she would make him listen to reason, even if she had to ignore her pride to do so.

“Dereck,” Alina spoke through the door. “I know you don’t want to speak to me and that’s ok. I will just say what I need to, then leave.” Alina cleared her throat. “I know what I did was wrong. I’m not going to make excuses for it. I was deceitful and I don’t blame you for being upset.”

As Alina spoke, the elevator opened, and a woman and her son, who seemed only six, came out on the floor. The woman was carrying two grocery bags, one in either hand, while the child clung to a toy truck. They walked slowly behind Alina and went to the neighboring door. As the woman unlocked it, the little boy dashed underneath her hand and fled inside whilst the woman gave Alina a nod before disappearing herself.

“Dereck I’m really sorry and if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I promise not to deceive you again.” Alina put her open palm over her heart. “Transparency has become my new motto.” She paused. “I love you Dereck. Can you just open the door so we could talk?”

When Alina heard the turning of the lock of a door, her heart escalated and adrenaline dispersed through her body. But Dereck’s door didn’t open. It was the neighbor who had just returned home.

The woman stuck her head out as she leaned against the door frame. “He wouldn’t answer, you know?” She looked at Alina with a sly smile.

Alina blew out hard, tugging at her clothing. “I guess I really blew my chances.”

“Oh no. It’s not that,” the woman said. “What is your name?

Alina reluctantly answered, and the woman responded, “I see. And you are his…”

The woman deliberately left the sentence unfinished so Alina could put in the missing pieces. “Girlfriend,” Alina fumbled, knowing that she no longer had the right to use that title.

“I’m guessing you had a fight then.” The woman stared at Alina, her intrusive behavior becoming more annoying.

Alina tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “I don’t see how this is any of your business.”

She turned to leave but suddenly stopped when the woman shouted, “He’s not there.”

“What?” Alina spun around on her heels.

“He’s not in there. Dereck left a couple of days ago. He brought his plant over at my place so I can water it while he’s gone.”

Alina walked closer to the woman now. “Did he say when he was coming back or where he was going?” Her eyes were opened so wide it was almost impossible to miss.

“No, he didn’t. He just said he had to go away for a while,” the woman said as Alina’s head hung low and winced.

Alina left Dereck’s apartment building not long after, since the woman had no more information to offer. She went to the one person she knew could get answers from.

* * *

“Come on Taylor, open up.”Alina banged on her friend’s door. “I know you’re in there.”

When the door suddenly burst open, Taylor stood with a hateful glare in nothing but a black laced panty and a matching bra. Her hair was disheveled and her makeup smudged.

Alina eyes her friend suspiciously. “Do you have company in there?”

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