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Watching my sister stomp down the hallway, lithe and beautiful, a shiver rolls over me. This conversation isn’t done, and I know there is a lot more to come regarding her and Johan. I start to second guess having him take her to the equestrian show in my place, but it’s the best way to keep the peace with my old friend and my boyfriend all at the same time. I just hope Hannah has enough sense to stay out of trouble.

Walking down the grand staircase to the dining room, I see that everyone is already seated at the table, waiting for me to join them. Hannah is missing at first, but just when I think she’s gone to take her meal elsewhere, she appears in a huff from the other side of the room and immediately moves to take a seat next to Johan. Clenching my teeth in annoyance, I take the empty chair on the other side of him, ignoring her obvious eye roll. She doesn’t speak to me, but Johan does, leaning closer to me and whispering,

“Is something going on with you two?”

“Just normal sister bickering,” I tell him, not totally dishonest. “Don’t worry about it.”

Johan looks amused, but he nods, and with that, dinner can finally begin.

My father engages Johan first, asking him about his time at Oxford. Johan raves about the school and how it was the perfect place for him to get his education. He talks about the beautiful grounds and the quality of all of his classes, and while everyone listens politely, no one is as fixated on his words as Hannah, of course. She ignores her meal for the most part, pushing it around her plate with her chin resting in her hands as she hangs onto his every word with shining eyes. It’s almost comical how lively she is around him when all of us think of Hannah sort of like a tall, silent shadow most days. Something about him really brings out the latent personality she apparently has, and I think about the tiny bottle of sea glass in his pocket right this second, and how different it is from the other treasures she collects. Unlike things that other people have lost, the sea glass is something Hannah picked up piece by individual piece all on her own, and the little jar she gave Johan is a collection of her personal choices. It’s meaningful and sort of touching, even if Hannah is being a bit of a jerk.

“I dream of going to Oxford someday too,” Hannah muses, eyelids low. “I know everyone thinks I should go to Amsterdam with Andries and Elise but Oxford is where I really want to be.”

Dad and Mom look at each other, confused, and then back at my sister, but stay quiet. Johan raises his eyebrows in interest. “Is that so? Well, I definitely have some pull with the staff and admissions with how much my family donates to the school, so when you’re ready I’m more than happy to help make your dream a reality.”

“Really?” Hannah sighs blissfully. “That would be wonderful.”

I try to mask my expression by taking a long drink of wine, but her tone makes me snort in amusement, and she shoots me a black look.

As dinner progresses, I realize that my sister is monopolizing the conversation, constantly talking to Johan. Even though she told me she didn't block his number, it's crystal clear that she is the culprit. My sister is always so mysterious and secretive, it's no surprise that she would have done something like that. She would have been only thirteen at the time, which makes it seem crazy that she would have that sort of forethought and cruelty towards me, but the last few months have taught me that people are much more complicated than they appear on the outside. To think that Hannah’s infatuation could have been intense enough to make her block Johan and ruin my budding relationship makes me feel a little ill, but that’s a problem for another time. Specifically, after Andries’s wedding.

I watch in silence as my sister flirts with Johan; it’s clear that she has a crush on him. I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, but at the same time, I know that I don't have any romantic feelings for him. I can only hope that Hannah will come to her senses and see that her crush on Johan will only lead to heartache if he’s still as fixated on me as I think he is. Even if Johanhasmoved on from me, though, Hannah is much too young for him, which is just another reason pursuing him will simply shatter her instead of leading to something meaningful.

Hannah might be unnecessarily standoffish toward me right now, but that doesn’t mean that I want to see her hurt, either. I know what it’s like to lose a first love, and it just so happens that mine was the same man that she’s so hung up on right now.

After dinner, Dad and Johan retire back to the library for cigars and more port, much to Hannah’s disappointment. I send Johan a quick text telling him not to forget that we have to talk to my mother and to keep the chat with my Dad short, but it turns out that I don’t have to worry about it for long.

Johan:Your Dad just excused himself to go take a call in his office if you want to talk to your Mom now. He seemed like he was in a hurry so I bet it’s going to take him some time anyway.

Gathering my courage, I head out to the terrace where Mom is reading in the cooler night air, the wind stirring her hair. She looks young in the moonlight and peaceful. I hate to disturb her, but it’s necessary.

I clear my throat to get her attention. “Mom, can Johan and I speak to you in private, please?”

She looks at me with surprise, sitting her book on the loveseat beside her, but quickly recovers and nods. “Of course,” she says, her tone soft, as she stands up, smoothing her dress. “Would you like to speak out here or inside?”

“Your office would be best, I think. Johan is already there.”

She gives me a quizzical look but shrugs one delicate shoulder. “Okay. Lead the way then, dear.”

Johan is indeed waiting outside the dark office, his hands in his pockets as he leans against the wall patiently. Mom must think he and I are here to talk about our relationship or something like that, but she’s going to be in for a rude awakening once she learns what it really is we intend to say.

Once we are alone, I take a deep breath and begin to speak. “Mom, there's something I need to tell you," I say. "It's about Dad and that snake, Karl. They're in this together, and what Andries said on TV wasn't a lie. It was all the absolute truth, and I think you deserve to know that.”

Mom's eyes widen in shock, and she leans in closer to hear more. “How do you know that?” she asks.

“We put all the pieces together in Capri,” I tell her, looking to Johan, who nods in agreement. “Roxanne is innocent, Mom. You know it. She found out about the scandal at the same time as we all did. Johan was there, too.”

As I explain to my mother the truth about Roxanne and what really happened, I can see the shock and disbelief in her eyes. She struggles to comprehend what I'm saying and I can sense her unease and anxiety rising.

Mom sits back in her chair slowly, her expression thoughtful. "I see," she says, and I can tell she's trying to process the information I've just given her. “Even if she is innocent, I have nothing to do with all of it. You have to know that.”

I can only imagine what’s going through her mind right now, and I feel a pang of guilt for bringing this dark secret to light. But I know it's the right thing to do, for our family and for the truth. “Mom, we looked into it and we know that you’re friends with the prosecutor charging Roxanne. You guys went to school together. Can’t you just call her and have a word with her?” I plead. “I'm sure if it's coming from you, she'll drop the charges.”

My mother hesitates for a moment before she speaks, “These things aren't that simple, Elise.”

I can see the guilt and frustration in her eyes, and I know how difficult this must be for her. She has always tried to not get involved in Dad’s schemings, but sometimes circumstances force us to make difficult decisions.

"I know it's not easy, Mom,” I say, trying to offer her some comfort. “But you have to do what's right. Roxanne deserves a chance to clear her name, and you have the power to help her.”

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