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"You see," Hunter began, his voice bitter, "I knew Juniper was the estranged daughter Harold always wanted to meet. That's why I wanted her gone. She was never a gold digger." He laughed sadistically. "Just a sister I didn't need."

Juniper's eyes widened in disbelief, her hand instinctively reaching for mine.

It was a revelation none of us had expected, and it sent shockwaves through the room. I tightened my grip around her hand.

"I couldn't bear the thought of Harold leaving everything to her," Hunter continued, his voice filled with resentment. "It was my birthright to inherit the Montgomery estates. And then, he had to go and ruin it all."

A knot formed in my stomach as I realized the depths of Hunter's betrayal. But there was more to his confession, something even darker.

"I hired those two terrorists," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I wanted them to finish what you fuckers couldn't do. Because, let's face it, you sucked balls."

My blood ran cold as the gravity of his words sank in. "Such a fuckin’ pity you thought you could get away with all of it, Hunter."

"But that's not all," Hunter continued, his voice gaining a twisted edge. "I killed Harold. I couldn't stand people getting in the way of my ambitions, my need to own those estates. It's in my blood to remove encroachers. And Juniper was nothing but a bug—a bug that needed to be removed."

The room fell into stunned silence as Hunter's admission hung in the air like a malevolent specter.

Juniper's face paled, a mixture of shock and horror contorting her features. "You're a monster, Hunter."

Hunter's eyes darted between us, a desperate plea for understanding. "I had my reasons, my motives. You have to understand."

But we didn't. Miguel had alerted the police already, and now, we had everything we needed to send the right person to the gallows.

Reinforcements arrived in the next forty minutes. I waited until Hunter was taken away before turning my attention back to Juniper. She sat in a corner with a protective hand over her belly.

"I... by the way, remember when I told you about being caught unawares this morning?" I asked, suddenly feeling a redness seep into my cheeks that had absolutely nothing to do with the weather.

"I do. I figured it's because you can be an oaf sometimes," she teased.

"That's not untrue," I replied, chuckling. "But there's another reason."

And then, I got down on one knee and fished a box out of a pocket that had only ever held keys, wallets, and emergency weapons.

"Wait, what?"

Juniper's eyes widened. The boys turned around to look at us and grinned.

"Our arrangement can go on as it always has, Juniper. But this, this is because I... none of us want to do life without you. Not Leia, not my boys, and certainly not me. And if you'd give me a chance, I'd spend the rest of my days learning to make pies without burning them for you. Becoming whole for you. Being a parent with you. Growing old with you."

"Reed ..." Juniper dropped down beside me as I opened the box, revealing the ring inside.

It was carved in white gold and had a single ruby encrusted within a wreath of diamond leaves. It was my mother's many years ago.

"I love you," I whispered. "And I'm going to love our baby. So hard, so much."

"I love you too," she replied, tears streaming down her face. "I love you so much."

The force that had gathered in the room began clapping. I'd totally melt with embarrassment on another occasion, but at a time like this, it was sweet. I'd take it.

My boys knelt down beside me, mischief in their eyes. "You're saying yes to all of us, by the way," Asher whispered conspiratorially.

"She hasn't said yes yet, you imbecile," Miguel hissed.

Juniper rolled her eyes, still laughing and crying. "Yes! A thousand times over."

I took the ring out and slipped it over her index finger.

I was home.

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