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Seven months later

I marriedReed in early April of the following year, just shy of two months before my due date.

In the months preceding the wedding, I grew more pregnant, and at the same time, I was officially restored to my zero-credit-fraud days of existence.

Reed made sure the officers at the Central Precinct Station apologized, particularly the ones who'd been pressed to lay all the blame on me without even trying to understand the vulnerabilities with which I’d acted.

I kept Harold's legacy.

For the longest time, the reason I'd refused to become part of it was because I didn't feel like I deserved a situation where life could be so unexpectedly kind.

But now, I knew that this was no chance decision. This was what he had chosen for me.

Following the submission of evidence Harper had gathered, plus Hunter's own confession, the days that followed were a blur of paperwork and phone calls.

I worked tirelessly to ensure that my name was cleared and that my credit score was repaired.

It was a long and arduous process, but with the help of my boys, Harper, and the credit monitoring company, I was able to make progress.

Finally, the day arrived when I received the news I had been waiting for—my name had been cleared, and my credit score had been repaired. One by one, the fraudulent purchases were reversed, like pieces of a puzzle falling back into place.

The weight that had burdened me for so long gradually lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of freedom and vindication.

Hunter was awarded a life sentence without possibility of parole. I didn't follow up on his case or bother with the sensational jabber that followed in the weeks past his arrest.

It was not a part of my life—or at least, not one that merited any more of my time or thought.

In a most satisfying turn of events, he was also ousted from the board over his chain of restaurants,Umami.Before the assets could be liquidated, I met with Harold's lawyer to discuss the possibility of buying the chain. I had the money, now.

So, I became the woman who pulled the ultimate Uno Reverse on Hunter Montgomery and took over ownership of his beloved restaurant chain.

Which brought me to this moment, this April morning.

It was soft and golden, with an early spring sun dancing upon my now-healed hometown, casting a sweet glow upon her historic streets. The air bore a gentle breeze tinted with the scent of the blooming flowers and the promise of a future.

"You are so beautiful," my mama gushed as she finished my hair. I'd chosen a simple white gown. I was showing—but that made everything about today all the more beautiful.

Mama had left my hair loose, cascading in soft curls past my shoulders. My makeup was minimal.

I stood in front of the mirror, my wedding gown draping elegantly over my figure. I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves swirling within me.

We locked eyes in the reflection on the long mirror, and a gentle chuckle escaped my lips.

"Mama, can you believe it? Your little girl is about to tie the knot. I hope I don't trip over this dress and fall flat on my face," I teased, twirling playfully in my gown.

She laughed, her voice rich with affection. "Oh, darling, even if you tripped and stumbled, you'd still be the most radiant bride. But please, for my sake, try to keep the clumsiness to a minimum."

I placed my hand on my heart, feigning offense. "Mama, are you saying my inherited Southern grace isn't up to par?"

She playfully fanned herself. "Well, you did inherit my charm, but your grace might have taken a detour somewhere along the way. It's a good thing your soon-to-be husband loves you for your quirks."

Just then, the door creaked open, and Leia peeked inside with a wide grin on her face. She held a small bouquet of wildflowers, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Juniper, you look like a princess!" Leia exclaimed, running up to me and hugging me tightly. "I can't wait to be part of your special day."

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