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She weaved and bobbed, her strikes precise and powerful. With each blow, she left an indelible mark on Hunter's increasingly cowering form.

"You fucking monster. I'm going to kill you with my bare hands," Juniper shouted, her voice filled with conviction.

She ducked and weaved, kicked and punched, each of her movements fluid and calculated.

At that moment, I was afraid she would actually kill the bastard. And we needed him alive.

Hunter stumbled backward, his arrogance giving way to a flicker of doubt.

I couldn't help but be in awe of Juniper. She fought like a warrior possessed.

"Juniper, hold on!" I called out, my voice brimming with urgency. We had to act quickly to ensure her and the baby's safety.

Together, we circled Hunter, closing in on him like a pack of wolves.

In a sudden burst of strength, Hunter managed to land a punch against Juniper's shoulder.

With a primal instinct, I launched myself at Hunter, my fist connecting with his jaw. The force of the blow sent him staggering backward, but he remained on his feet, fueled by a twisted determination.

Asher and Miguel joined the fray, their movements mirroring our shared purpose.

A surge of energy coursed through me as I lunged forward, delivering a resounding blow.

My fist collided with Hunter's temple, the impact sending him crashing to the ground. He fell, motionless.

Asher bent down to check his pulse, but the first thing I did was run to my girl and pull her into a tight hug.

"I'm okay," she breathed against my chest. "He was sloppy, that asshole. He can swindle his way out of shit, but he's useless when it comes to kidnapping.

“I managed to beat him as soon as he tried pulling me out of the car and into here. His chloroform wasn't powerful enough."

"Where the hell did you learn to fight like that?" I asked hoarsely.

She bared her teeth at me like a warrior princess. "My mama makes the best fried chicken, but that's not all she does. She taught me well."

This girl would never cease to surprise me. I touched her belly, almost reverentially. "God, I was so scared."

"They're safe," she whispered. "And Hunter learned that you can never fucking mess with a mother."

"I'm sorry I walked out like that," she continued, sighing. "I wasn't thinking straight."

"No—you had every right to. Plus, when I feel something very strongly, my face and mouth decide they both hate me and do stuff that I never mean to. You have no idea how happy I am about this, Junie. How happy all of us are."

Her eyes shone gently. "Really?"

I nodded. "I got stumped because I—"

Before I could finish, Hunter moaned like a donkey stuck in a briar patch. Asher acted quickly, binding him with the rope he'd intended to use on Juniper.

Miguel leaned down and delivered a very satisfying slap on his face.

"Game's up, motherfucker. Talk before I bury a grenade up your ass."

He began blubbering, fat tears falling down his face.

"I've got nothing left to lose," Hunter finally said, his voice trembling with a mix of guilt and defiance. "It's time I come clean about everything."

We leaned in, our eyes locked on him.

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