Page 17 of Never Say Never

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"Okay, there is this guy that seems to pop up everywhere I turn. He's at school, in my class with me I think and the other day I was sitting in the courtyard trying to eat lunch without anyone bothering me and I saw him not too far away. And now he is at my café. Is it stalking? Do I have a stalker?" before she can answer I throw in the part I left out. Not on purpose I just forgot until right now. "Oh and he was at the library two days ago too. Which is kind of odd because the school has its own library but I didn't go there because Andy was trolling and I didn't want to be put in a bad situation."

Andy is this guy that went to high school with me and Vee. He always used to give me the creeps but now it has so much worse. He is going to the same college as me and I can't help but wonder if it is because he knew it was where I was going. When I made my list of pros and cons about going with Vee he was on the pro side because I would be so far away from him that he couldn't find me. At least that was my hope.

He also is one of the reasons I don't trust men in general and especially not men with money or power. His daddy is a deputy so getting any kind of help from them is pretty much not going to happen.

"What's he look like?" Vee's voice pulls me out of the fog I was in and the funk I was sinking into thinking about Andy.

I launch into a description of him throwing in the fact that he is really cute. I can tell this doesn't really make Vee feel any better. I can hear her muttering to herself and suspect she's put me on speakerphone so she can find something she's lost. Vee has trouble keeping up with stuff like phones and shoes. I'm not judging I lost a whole car one time in the parking lot of the grocery store. It took me two hours - and a trip to the art supply store next to it - to find it.

The guy has been staring at me for a long time now and I realize he doesn't give off the same vibe Andy does. Yeah, Andy is creepy and slimy but this guy looks like he could kill you by flicking a toothpick at you. Tattoos run up and down his arms, or at least the part I can see before his tee shirt sleeves cover them.

"Hey Vee, I love you. I got to go. Talk later." I hang up and pretend like I am going to slide past him to go to the bathrooms but as soon as I make the turn and he’s out of sight, I head for the employee’s only door. When the employees in the back see me they start in about how I am not supposed to be here. But I know what to say, I've had to do this before - sadly.

"I think someone's following me. Is there any way I can slip out the back? I'm so sorry for any trouble."

The girl who I assume is the manager hesitates for only a second before ushering me to the back of the building and opening the back door.

"Thank you," I whisper because it feels like a time when I should.

"No problem. Be safe." she whispers back before closing the door. I wait a moment before going around the side of the building to go back to the sidewalk giving him plenty of time to be good and distracted.

When I get to the front I turn down the side that won't take me back in front of the window. Not stupid. I'm pretty confident about the fact that the guy isn't going to pop out the front door and come running after me. And it's kind of unfortunate too. I mean he was being creepy but he was the first guy who made me actually take notice of him. The first man who made me want to have a conversation with him.

No matter how sad I am I'm also pretty damned proud that I could dodge him. I might even start whistling, well I would if I could but I can't whistle so maybe I'll start humming.

Then it all goes to shit.
