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“I think I’ll head home. I can feel a headache coming on,” I told my friend, pulling my dark shades from my bag and securing them over my eyes.

“All right, I’ll drop you off,” Sophie replied sympathetically.

“All right,” I said, walking with Sophie across the road and into the car. I buckled my seat belt and sunk back into the seat, closing my eyes behind my dark shades, waiting for the AC to kick in and wash over me. It had been a long day, and I felt like my feud with Christian was only just getting started.

Chapter Two

Christian's POV

Nathan and I sat in the dimly lit club, surrounded by the thumping beat of the music and the chatter of the other patrons. The place was packed with people, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. The walls were adorned with neon lights, casting a colorful glow throughout the room.

The smell of smoke and alcohol filled the air, mingling with the scent of cologne and perfume. The wait staff moved swiftly between the tables, delivering drinks and taking orders, their movements choreographed to avoid bumping into the swaying crowd.

I looked around, taking in the atmosphere. The crowd was diverse, a mix of young and old, dressed in everything from casual wear to stylish suits and dresses. Some were gathered in small groups, laughing and chatting over drinks, while others danced alone or with partners.

Despite the energy of the club, my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Alex. I couldn't shake the image of her standing in front of me in the hallway of Nathan's penthouse earlier in the week. I'd found it difficult to focus on work since then. Images of my brother and how devastated he was after she betrayed him were mixed together in my mind like a potent cocktail.

“It’s damned loud in here, and we need to talk,” Nathan shouted over the noise of the crowd. He was dressed casually in a fitted dark gray T-shirt over washed jeans that probably cost more than a month's work for some people. Sneakers and a leather jacket completed his laid-back look.

“Let’s move upstairs,” I said, picking up my drink.

The club was divided into sections. While most of the crowd enjoyed the loud music on the ground floor, the more exclusive clientele who could afford the exorbitant prices could enjoy the scene in relative quiet.

We took a private room and settled into the lush sofas arranged around the main attraction, a salsa dancer who was slowly entertaining the patrons. You could talk here without having to scream your lungs out.

Nathan took a sip of his drink, clearing his throat.

"So, let's get back to business. What do you think about the new marketing strategy?"

I took a deep breath, trying to shake off my thoughts of Alex. It was strange that the lady managed to invade my mind at the oddest moments, considering how much I didn’t like her.

"I think it's a good start, but we need to focus on more than just social media. We should be looking into more traditional forms of advertising as well."

Nathan nodded in agreement. "I see what you mean. And we need to make sure we're targeting the right demographics. We don't want to waste our budget on ads that won't reach our intended audience."

I tapped my finger on the table.

"We could use some data analysis to pinpoint the most effective channels for our target market."

Nathan smiled. "That's a good idea. Do you have anyone in mind who could help us with that?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Actually, I know a guy who specializes in that kind of thing. I could set up a meeting with him and see what he recommends."

Nathan nodded. “Great. That could really help us fine-tune our marketing efforts."

“Speaking of fine-tuning, Alex has been helping out a lot lately,” Nathan said.

“I don't want to talk about her. I don’t want to hear about her," I grumbled, taking a swig of my drink.

Nathan raised an eyebrow. "What's the problem? Did something happen between you two?" he asked innocently.

I shook my head, feeling a need to knock the innocent look off his smug face. “You know damned well what I’m talking about,” a surge of anger rising inside me. "She's just a snake in the grass, that's all. I don't trust her, and neither should you come to think of it." I drummed my fingers on the table and scowled. "I don't trust women anymore, Nathan. Not after what Alex did to Tristan.”

Nathan leaned forward, trying to reason with me. "I get it, Christian, but don't you think it's unfair to judge every woman based on what one woman did? That's like a woman saying all men are untrustworthy because of one bad experience."

I shook my head sharply, my eyes blazing. "It's not the same thing, Nathan. Women have a way of getting under your skin, of manipulating you. And Alex is the worst of them all." He remembered her eyes looking up at him in the hall that day. She’d looked hurt, but how was that possible?

Nathan leaned back in his chair, his expression is thoughtful. "I understand where you're coming from, but you can't judge someone based on one mistake. Maybe she had her reasons. Maybe you just need to talk to her."

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