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I scoffed. "I highly doubt that."

Nathan sighed. "Look, all I'm saying is that maybe you should try to be a little more understanding. It's not fair to write someone off completely without knowing their side of the story. I heard you screaming your head off that afternoon, and you never raise your voice.”

I shook my head again. "I can't help how I feel Nathan. I just don't think I can ever trust a woman again."

Nathan sighed. "Well, that's your choice, but I hope one day you can see that not everyone is the same. And who knows, maybe one day you'll meet someone who changes your mind, maybe it’ll even be Alex." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "I doubt that."

Nathan smiled. "Never say never, man. Who knows, maybe your anger is just a cover-up.”

“What does that even mean?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Maybe you’re attracted to her. She’s a sexy woman after all,” he replied, beckoning the waiter over to refill our drinks.

“That doesn’t even deserve a reply,” I said scowling at Nathan, who burst out laughing as he stretched his glass out for a refill. I wasn’t even going to think about that. It was just ridiculous, and to think I’d always thought Nathan was the smartest of all my friends.

I finished my drink and left the club. I couldn’t help being bitter about Alex, but I also couldn’t seem to stop thinking about how she’d looked in her summery dress at Nathan’s house the other day. It had set off her green eyes and blond hair so perfectly.

Snap out of it, I told myself, and walked to my car. My plan was well underway and coming along well. Alex just couldn’t keep getting away with everything.


Alex’s POV

I blinked my eyes open and sat up in bed. The sun was up and streaming in through my window. The day had apparently started without me. The room was cool, and I shivered, pulling on my bathrobe and slipping my hands into the pockets.

Picking up my phone from the nightstand, I saw that it was only nine o’clock, still early by my timetable. I could get in another round of sleep before lunch with Sophie and Valerie at around noon. I hadn’t had the chance to meet up with Valerie since my return from New Mexico.

Instead of drifting back into dreamland, I got out of bed and padded to the kitchen to make my first cup of coffee. I was a robot until I imbibed that first dose. My stainless steel coffee maker made the best coffee ever, and considering how much I’d paid for it, I expected nothing less.

The coffee brewed while I leaned against the counter with my arms folded, the intense aroma slowly cutting through the fog in my brain. I needed to think straight.

With the coffee done, I turned off the machine and poured myself a cup. Sipping slowly, my thoughts turned to the fiasco with Christian. The man seemed to have become not only more angry and arrogant but also hotter! Now that I was calm and away from him, I couldn’t help thinking about his blazing blue eyes.

In fact, he looked like a god, and it was just my luck to have him on my back. He'd towered over me so dangerously. I wasn’t scared, but I had to admit that he made a worthy opponent.

“I’ll show him who’s the best,” I said out loud to my empty house. So that’s how sad my life had become, I thought, speaking to an empty house.


I pushed open the door and stepped into the busy Mexican restaurant. It was lively and right in the heart of town. The sound of upbeat music and the scent of sizzling fajitas filled the air, making my mouth water.

I spotted Sophie and Valerie in a corner booth and started toward them. The place was spacious, with wooden tables and chairs, colorful Mexican textiles, and Mexican pottery displayed on the walls.

“Look who finally made it here,” Valerie said with a laugh when I got to the table.

“I’m sorry. The traffic was crazy,” I replied, leaning over to hug Sophie.

“You’ve been naughty. No hugs for naughty kids,” I told Valerie.

“Well whatever, tell me about your trip already. You look so good!” Valerie said excitedly, waving the waiter over to our table.

As they perused the menu, I shared the details of my recent New Mexico trip. I described the stunning landscapes, the spicy food, and the vibrant culture. My friends listened intently as I described the vast desert vistas and the colorful hot air balloons that filled the sky during balloon festivals.

Valerie chimed in, "I've always wanted to visit New Mexico! It sounds like such a unique place. We should take a girl’s trip out there."

Sophie nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's not your typical vacation spot. But that's what makes it so exciting!"

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