Page 38 of Brutal Kings

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“The only person I can think of is Donovan,” I say quietly.

The three of them look at me, surprised as I explain to them why I think so. Even Jay, who’s never surprised about anything, furrows his brows in confusion.

“The bastard is dead,” Vic swears darkly.

I nod in agreement.

“And he’s off today, isn’t he?” Lee asks. I nod again. “He was off last night, too. Convenient.”

The more we talk about it, the more it makes sense. I should’ve fucking known.

Every single meeting, every single phone call I’d had about Maya… He was present for all of them. Out of everyone that works for me, he’s been one of the few constants for the last fifteen years. He was around when Maya and I were together, and he was here when I nearly destroyed the entire goddamn house when she left.

He was always nice to her, and she was grateful to him for that. When she was mad at me, or when I was away, she’d seek his company. I’d gotten word over a month ago about Maya’s whereabouts, but by the time I was able to track her down, she was gone. Somehow, she had gotten wind of me being in town.

Have they kept in touch all this time? Has he been the one to keep her away from me? Was he just pretending to be friends with my girl so he could sell her out when it suited his needs?

Somehow, this is my fault. I shouldn’t have paraded her around this house like the prize she is. I know more than one of my men would have loved to have her for themselves, but they knew the consequences of stepping out of line.

Lee, Vic, and Jay were all living in different parts of the country at the time, so they’d never met her until now. I made damn sure they never met her, because I knew once they did, they’d be hooked.

Like now.

Vic and Lee still can’t keep their damn eyes off her, and she seems to have a thing for them, too.

I don’t like that.

I ball my hand into a fist and slam it on the counter.

“Call him,” I tell no one in particular.

Vic pulls out his phone first and dials Donovan’s number. The phone rings and rings and eventually goes to voicemail. He immediately calls again.

And again.

And again.

“He won’t answer,” he grits out.

I look to Jay and Lee. “Find him and bring him here. If he’s working with Dom, he’s most likely being paid by him, too, which means he’s already left the area. Go to his complex and ask anyone you can when they last saw him.” I breathe heavily through my nose. “I want his location, and I want itnow.”

The two nod and leave the room.

“What do you want me to do?” Vic asks me. He’s standing up now, looking eager for a fight.

I stand up and pin him in place with a sharp look. “Stay the hell away from my girl.”



I glareat Ezra’s retreating figure as he leaves the kitchen. He instructs Benji to escort Maya back to her room on his way out, and the part of me that was once ready to bash Ezra’s head into the wall is now itching to be alone with her.

I don’t take lightly to being given orders by anyone, even when they’re coming from the leader of the Eastlake Syndicate.

Ezra, Lee, and Jay leave a few minutes later. Holding my breath, I silently follow behind Benji and Maya. He raises a brow at me questioningly, waiting for me to explain why I’m in this hallway. Maya’s room is the only one that gets used, and when she wasn’t here, Ezra completely blocked it off, so it’s unusual that I would be here right now.

“Hey, man. Boss said it’s time to rotate.” A white lie I’ll pay for later, no doubt.

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