Page 11 of Brutal Kings

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Why the hell did I just say that?

I mean, Iwasn’tlistening—voluntarily, anyway.

Everyone chuckles, but I clear my throat uncomfortably. “Umm, what I meant was—”

“Why don’t you meet Gray?” Sarah asks pointedly, cutting off whatever dumb shit I was about to say.

Gray steps forward and takes my hand. He looks just like Blue, except his hair is a lighter shade of brown, and his eyes are green.

“You’re brothers?” I ask.

Gray chuckles and kisses the tops of my knuckles. “No, but we get that a lot.”

I smile and pull my hand away. He’s so not my type, but my heart flutters at the attention he’s giving me. I’ve been single for so long that I’ve forgotten what normal male attention feels like.

At some point, Blue and Sarah had snuck off into a shadowy corner of the kitchen and started making out.

I clear my throat loudly. “Ready to go?”

The two break away from each other, giggling like little kids who’ve been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

“Yeah, we’re ready,” Sarah says, never taking her eyes off Blue.

The four of us pile into Blue’s white Range Rover—now Ireallysee why she likes the guy—and head to the restaurant.

* * *

Dinner was a bust.

We ended up waiting over an hour and a half for our table, even though Blue had called months in advance to make the reservation. I guess that’s what we get for wanting to go out on a Saturday night.

It didn’t totally suck, though. We still had a great time getting to know each other and stuffing our faces full of Italian food.

Well,theyate. I was too nervous to do more than nibble on my chicken parmesan.

I tried to ignore the way my stomach fluttered every time Gray’s hand lightly grazed mine, or when I’d catch him watching me out of the corner of my eye. By the time we get in the car, it’s already past ten.

The drive from Oakwood to SIN, the hottest new club down at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront, takes about twenty minutes. This is my first time going, but I’ve heard they have amazing food and drinks, and play the best music.

On a normal Saturday night, I’d usually prefer to hang out at home and read a book or binge a show, but now I’m eager to leave the house and do something different. For the first time in years, I feel alive, like I’m capable of having fun and being free to do what I want.

I don’t want to stress about Lee, Ezra, and Man Bun, the stranger from the grocery store; I’ll face my past when it comes bearing down on me. Right now, I want to have fun. I want to meet new people and have an amazing time.

I sit in the back with Gray, and we make small talk while Blue and Sarah sit in the front talking each other’s ears off. We have nothing in common, but he’s really sweet and makes me feel comfortable around him. I feel the tension in my body begin to melt away, and my skin hums with the electricity of excitement the closer we get to the club.

When we finally get to the Oceanfront, we have to park two blocks down and walk to SIN. The streets are packed with people ducking in and out of little stores and restaurants, couples walking hand in hand and leaning on each other. I don’t come to this part of town often, so I feel like I’m in a completely different world.

A few minutes later, we finally make it to the club. My feet are already sore, but I don’t let that deter me from wanting to dance all night. We show the bouncer our IDs and head inside.

Finesseby Bruno Mars blasts through the speakers as we walk in. Scanning the area, I can’t find an inch of floor space between the writhing bodies. The air is heavy with sweat, smoke, and sex. Couples grind against each other on the dance floor while others make out and palm each other in dark corners.

Sarah and Blue head to the dance floor, leaving Gray and me standing at the edge.

“Do you want to dance, or would you like a drink first?” he asks loudly over the music.

I chew on my bottom lip. It’s a nervous habit, but Gray’s eyes immediately drink in the action with an intensity that makes my stomach jump.

“Dance,” I say, grabbing his proffered hand.

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