Page 126 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“Hey,don’tlaughatme. I doubt you want to pick me up off this floor after I pass out,” I huff out.

Thismakeshimlaugheven harder. “Baby, you wouldn’t even hit the floor because I’d catch you first.”

“Oh,youcockybutt,”I murmur.

Afull-onbellylaughbursts from Jack and makes me open my eyes to see him and what a magnificent sight it is. Jack has the best laugh lines on his face. Ones that say he smiles and laughs often. His eyes light with joy.

Ilookdownandnotice he made quick work of bandaging my finger. I curl it slightly to see how much movement I may have, and it’s not much.


Hewrapsmeinhis arms, picking me up and twirling me in the air. “Anytime, but try not to hurt yourself anymore, okay?”

Isalutehimwithmy now bandaged finger, and he smiles as he puts me back down. The expression on his face has me biting my lip, and I need to focus. To do that, I get back to making his sandwich.

“I’llgetstartedongetting a camera up back here, facing towards the front of the café. I want to make sure everything is covered so we can nail his ass.”

Inodinresponse,wanting nothing more in the world.

The rest of the afternoon passes in a blur. Jack gets all the cameras he wants installed. I think it’s a little overkill, but I won’t complain. The safer and more prepared, the better.

I anxiously sit on the couch in the living room. Baked chicken and rice is in the oven. I can’t stop thinking about Saturday and how all this will go down. I send a quick text to Addy to check in.

Is everything still on track for Andrew getting here Friday?

She responds almost immediately.Yes, it’s all set. Christopher is coming to dinner tonight to “update” Mom and Dad on what the cops are saying. Our plan should work.

I suck in a sharp breath, hoping to quell the nausea that threatens to reappear today.It’s going to work, Andrea. You have to trust that this will set you free.

I send another text.Okay, please let me know how dinner goes. How are Mom and Dad?

They’re worried. Mom has been a raging bitch to everyone. Dad has disappeared almost entirely. He’s always in meetings or off “digging into things.” Mom seems to have put it all on his and Christopher’s shoulders.

I frown at that. What does that mean? I feel terrible that by not telling them where I am, I make them worry over me. I just don’t see another way. They’re too close to Christopher. They’ll never believe what we say without proof. And that’s exactly what I intend on getting.

Addy responds.I want to come, too. I think I can be useful.

I shake my head at that, typing my refusal furiously on the phone. My fingers fumble on the old school keypad.

You can’t! It’s not safe. Andrew will be here. I have Jack and my friends. It’ll be okay. Please don’t come. It’ll just be one more thing for me to worry about.

She doesn’t seem to like that answer much.Argh! I want to tell you to just get over it because I want to be there for you so badly. But I love you too much. I know what you’ve been through. I’m sorry for everything.

Having her support means the world to me, but support doesn’t mean she has to put her life in danger.You don’t have anything to be sorry about. I love you, too. This will work. It has to.

I pray it does. I want my sister back. I have to go. Christopher just got here! Talk soon.

I drop the phone on the couch, praying tonight goes as planned. If Christopher doesn’t take the bait this whole thing is dead. I can’t image why he won’t, but he’s surprised me before.

“What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” Jack asks as he comes into the living room.

“I was just texting Addy. They’re havingthedinner tonight. If this works, we should be able to set this up for Saturday, and well, that makes me nervous as hell.”

I anxiously look up into his eyes. My stomach is in knots. I have to get this under control, or I might puke, and that’s not a good look on a girl.

“It’s going to work, but we do need to talk through the plan. From beginning to end. I don’t want one oversight to put you in danger,” he responds with a serious, contemplative look on his face.

“Then let’s go through it, step by step,” I say, hoping to ease our anxiety.

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