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I was still surprised he had a house outside the city. It seemed so...domestic. "I guess I always pictured you as someone who liked to be on the move. Having a house makes it sound like you’re putting down roots."

"That’s my intention." He looked out the window. The setting sun made the hovercar’s shadow stretch over the road. "I can’t fly around in a ship forever. Not enough room for my Cubs gear."

I laughed. "Gotta have priorities, right?"

The sunlight played in his shiny, dark hair and reflected in his eyes as he glanced at me. "I haven’t talked to anyone about this. You’ll be the first visitor since I bought the place."

We traveled another couple of miles before he got off the speedway via an exit ramp. Soon we turned down a smaller residential street.

As Klinn and I traveled down the winding road towards his house, I couldn't help but admire the surroundings that unfolded before me. The architecture of the homes had a distinct Javorian touch, with unique designs and vibrant colors setting them far apart from the Chicago brown flats and apartment complexes I was accustomed to. Yet, amidst the otherworldly aesthetics, there was cozy familiarity that spoke to me.

"There aren’t many houses in this development," Klinn explained while he steered. "I’m starting to like the peace and quiet."

Passing by only a few other houses along the way, I noticed the distinctive charm of each one. Some had curving structures, decorated with swirling patterns and intricate carvings, while others displayed roofs with burnished orange and yellow hues that contrasted against the landscape. I had to admit, I agreed with Klinn about the quiet scene. It was a pleasant change of scenery, a glimpse into a different way of life outside the city I had also come to enjoy.

As we neared the end of the development, my attention was drawn to a group of children playing outside a red-roofed house. Javorian children and those of other alien races chased each other in a game of tag, their laughter filling the air. They noticed us and waved. One of them stuck out a purple tongue and wiggled his antennae. I stifled a giggle as I waved back. It was such a cute sight, a reminder that among the challenges we faced, there were moments of innocence and joy.

I glanced to the side and caught Klinn watching me. "What?" I asked, curious about his amusement.

"Nothing. Just noticing the city girl admiring the quiet neighborhood."

"I'm allowed to appreciate different ways of living, you know. There's something comforting about how serene this place is." Looking around again, I couldn't help but inquire about his neighbors’ choice of pets. "There aren't any maniacal shapeshifting dogs lurking around here, are there?"

"I think one of the homeowners has a terrier, but I haven't seen it sprout spikes along its back yet."

As Klinn kept driving towards his house, a sense of anticipation grew within me. I wondered what his home would be like, a reflection of his personality and his aspirations for a fresh start. When we finally arrived, I couldn't help but take in the sight before me.

"This is it," he said, pulling the hovercar to the curb.

Klinn's house stood at the end of the development. Two modest stories high, its exterior highlighted a blend of traditional and alien architectural elements. The roof had two parts, one flat and the higher part a curving spire like the ones I'd seen on the homes on Lunaris. The structure itself had a sleek and modern design, with clean lines, lights along the stairs, and a hint of futuristic elegance with a tall window that reached from the bottom floor to the roof. It gave off an aura of strength and tranquility.

Surrounding the house was a modest garden. I could see some work had been done a while ago. Now vines wove through the garden. A few weeds cropped up along the blue and gold alien flora. With a little tending, it could look just like new again.

Klinn unbuckled his seat belt. "I’ll show you inside."

We stepped out of the hovercar and approached the front door. He nudged a vine out of our path with his foot. "I’m still putting in the work. This place was a real fixer-upper when I got it."

He entered the code on the door’s alarm system panel, a soft beep echoed through the air, and the door swung open, granting us access to his home. Stepping inside, I found myself in a spacious and airy common area that served as the heart of the house. "If this was a fixer-upper, you wouldn’t know it now."

The room had an open-concept layout, with clean, polished floors. The walls were adorned with a few minimalist paintings, each capturing a glimpse of distant galaxies or celestial landscapes. The colors were soothing, creating a serene atmosphere.

Though sparsely furnished, the room felt ready to welcome its inhabitants. A comfortable sofa, bathed in natural light streaming through the windows, sat against one wall. Its neutral tones blended with the overall aesthetic of the room, inviting relaxation and conversation. "You have good taste, Klinn."

"Thanks, but it’s more your planet’s home renovation TV shows than me."

I smiled at how he drew inspiration from all his travels. "I’d like to see more."

As we ventured further into the house, we entered a kitchen bathed in an abundance of natural light. The large windows, unobstructed by curtains or blinds, allowed the warm rays of the sunset to fill the space, casting a soft glow on everything within.

In the center of the kitchen, a generously sized island took its place, acting as a focal point.

"I’m thinking a breakfast nook can go over there." He pointed to an area next to the island.

Curiosity got the better of me. I touched the edge of the kitchen island. "How did you manage to do these renovations while constantly planet hopping?"

"I told you, Faye. I'm serious about starting over," he said, a determined look in his eyes. "That trip to Earth wasn't about stealing artifacts. It was about getting a closer look, expanding my knowledge for the business. And now, I have enough resources, I’m starting fresh. I could live off my investments. Did you know energy futures for fuel cartridges are taking off?"

"I did not know that." I listened to his thoughtful planning and consideration. It was a side of him I hadn't fully realized existed. He liked to present as the carefree, muscled, Cubs-shirt-wearing alien hottie that could literally steal the air from the room in more ways than one. There were so many layers to him. I was curious to see them all.

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