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"Maybe they thought it was an earthquake and plan to circle back."

"I don’t believe so, and I’m not waiting." He put the car in gear and continued on our way.

We drove for half an hour and didn’t see Klinn’s ship or hear from it on the com link. With every mile, his face steeled.

"You were right about them, Faye. I should’ve listened when you told me about Gravix and Zorbluk acting differently."

"Don’t make a quick judgment. We don’t know where they are."

He shook his head. "They would’ve tried to reach me by now. They took all the money, too." His voice grew tense, and his hands clenched. "When I see their two faces again, I can't promise I'll keep my cool. They stabbed us in the back, left us stranded. They were like family to me."

I hated seeing the effects of the possible betrayal on his face. I wanted to touch his arm, let him know I was there, but didn’t know how he’d receive my offer of comfort. "We still have a vehicle. We can still go to Kajal and investigate the opera house tomorrow."

He gradually returned to a state of equilibrium. "You're right. We can do that. But first, there's something I need to get from my house. It's not too far from the city."

"Excuse me?" My eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Did I hear you say ‘house’? Since when do you have a house?"

The roguish smile returned to his face. "I guess it's time I let you in on another secret. I have a small hideaway on the outskirts of the capital. It's where I keep some of my personal belongings while I'm away."

My surprise turned into a desire to know more. "Yet another side of you I wouldn’t have guessed."

His smile softened as he met my gaze. "I've spent most of my life on the move. Trust wasn't something that came easily to me. But with you, it's different. I want to share everything, including my hidden corners."

A familiar warmth spread through me as I saw our connection deepening. I rested my hand gently on his. "Let's go to your house. Then we'll head to Kajal and make sure your client's actions and all these crime syndicates are exposed."

Chapter Eleven


We must have traveledover a hundred miles since we fled Bartie’s horror amusement park of a house. As Klinn drove along the Central Sector Speedway, I kept an eye on the hovercar’s fuel meter, crossing my fingers that the fuel cartridges would be enough to take us close enough to Kajal. After what we endured, I didn’t want to hike it through more terrain without water or a com link to help me find my way back to civilization.

"Almost," Klinn said out of the blue.

"What?" I blinked. "I didn’t say anything."

"You didn’t have to. You keep staring at the fuel monitor. We’re almost there." He passed a slower hovercar in the fast lane. "We’re about five miles out from my house. Kajal is another twenty miles down the road."

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