Page 13 of Commando

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“Fuck Mae, you’re mine. Never forget that.” I say, gripping her hips and pulling her body into mine. The tingles begin at the base of my spine and quickly spread up until I groan and slam deep inside my woman. “I’m going to mark this pussy. Fucking all mine.” My orgasm rips through me and I fill Mae’s pussy.

Closing my eyes, I pray to mother earth to allow my seed to take root inside Mae’s womb. I want this woman round with my babies.

Chapter Fifteen


Two Weeks Later…

“Mom, what are you saying?” I ask, the phone next to my ear as I watch Commando packing his saddlebags. We are supposed to be making the trip back to my home.

“Sweetheart, your auntie and I are going on a trip. We will be gone for two months. Why don’t you stay with Commando?” she says. Her voice sounds like the potential to travel and get away from all the pain of the death of my father has caused is exactly what she needs. “I looked up the travel to the US. You can stay for up to ninety days before having to come back.”

“Are you sure? I love being here.” I say, smiling as my eyes follow Commando and Cappy as they laugh and joke around beside the bike.

“I’m sure sweetheart. Your aunt and I are taking a one-hundred-and-ten-night cruise leaving from Sydney, Australia. So your aunt and I are going to fly into the Gold Coast, then spend three weeks traveling to Brisbane, then Canberra, before heading to Sydney to check in for the trip.” She says, making me smile.

“Okay, mom. You and Aunt Gayle be safe.” She says her goodbyes and we hang up.

I watch from the small window as a female walks up to Commando, wraps her arms around his waist, and lifts on her toes. Planting a kiss on his chin. Turning away from the window, I look around the room. I’ve had an amazing two weeks. The females stayed away and didn’t make me question my confidence in the relationship.

Opening the door and leaving the room with all my stuff sitting in the duffle bag and head to the bar. Sitting on the stool and looking at the picture above the bar. “Beloved brother Peter “Unicorn” Bex. Gone but never forgotten. May he be the ray of light that shines bright in the dark.”

“Unicorn was an amazing brother.” A deep voice says from behind me. I look over my shoulder at Rough. Smiling, I drop my eyes to the bar and close my eyes.

“To be a brother’s old lady, you have to weather the storm.” Rough says, causing my back to jerk straight.

“Let me guess, this is the same thing you told Ryanne?” I spit, and watch as his eyes widen, but he shakes his head. “Let me spit some facts for you, Rough. I am a stripper who deals with some of the vilest things being spewed at me. Things that no woman should ever have to deal with. But I do. My dad always told me that opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and most of the time…” I stare straight into his eyes, “they are spewed by people who either are jealous of you, or they are covering up for indiscretions.” I stand up, preparing to leave at the next thing I plan to say to him. “You know jack shit about who I am as a person. You know jack shit about my thought process or the thoughts that run through my head. If I wanted your opinion on my life. I would have fucking given it to you.” I spin around and start to leave, when my arm is grabbed.

“I didn’t…” I don’t let him finish before I pull my arm from his hold and continue out of the building. I am heading toward the gate when it opens, and a car pulls up beside me.

“Get in, Mae.” Ryanne says, anger in her words but understanding on her face.

“I do not have the same opinions as Rough. What he said to you was disrespectful, and I made sure he knew where I stood before I left.” She slams her foot on the peddle and shoots off out of the parking lot. “We are going to the most expensive restaurant and Rough is paying.”

I sit in the passenger seat listening to the music that Ryanne has blasting from the stereo. I never thought that words would make me regret my decision to leave my home in Canada and come here, with no way other than buying a ticket for a plan to go home.

Just as I open my mouth to apologize to Ryanne, we are hit by a car going the wrong way on a one-way street. T-boning the car and pushing Ryanne and me into a poll. The loud sound has made my ears ring. My legs are pinned under the dashboard. When I roll my head to the side, I see Ryanne with her head hanging and shallow breaths being taken in.

I close my eyes and pray that someone comes and saves us before it’s too late.

Chapter Sixteen


Walking back into the clubhouse, laughing and joking with Cappy. The club girl that was hanging on me was put in her place and told that if she ever laid a hand on me again, I would make sure that she was put out on her ass by the whole club.

“I can’t believe you said that to her.” Muriel yells, causing me and the rest of the men to stop what we are doing and stare.

“I thought.” Rough starts, his hand up as Muriel moves closer and jabs her finger into his chest.

“You thought what? That accusing her of not having a backbone would get her nowhere here?” She growls, stepping back, then she continues. “I thought you were the one with the most understanding. The one that us woman can come to when we are unsure of the ins and outs of what happens in this club. How you spoke to Mae, and treated her like she didn’t belong, makes me and the rest of the women realize we mean jack all to this club.” She turns and walks past Prince, then she stops in front of me. “I knew you were a man whore, but I thought Mae had changed you. The men in this club disappoint me.” Then she leaves along with Jane and Raci.

Raci turns, her eyes looking for Viking. She points at him and we all watch as he nod, then she exits with the other ladies.

“If you aren’t a patched in member, get the fuck out of my clubhouse and don’t come back.” Viking demands, watching as the club girls and hang arounds scatter for the doors.

“Commando, I am so sorry for what I said to Mae.” Rough states, causing my eyes to sharpen.

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