Page 44 of Unsteady

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“Ummmm ...?” he asks, coming to a stop by the counter and looking back and forth between Espy and me.

I glance over and see her eyes are now open and have gone wide, fixed right in my direction. She looks a little less terrified and a lot more confused, which I guess is an improvement. I turn my head slightly to the side and mouth, “Triggered,” at Mason, who immediately nods and disappears back upstairs. Before it can register that he just abandoned me, he’s back, this time with a very concerned Micah in tow.

Reinforcements, thank the Gods.

“Hey, Esps.” Micah smiles tentatively as he cautiously approaches her.

She turns her wide eyes in his direction, and as if I’ve been released from some sort of tractor beam, I stealthily sprint over to the couch and grab up the blanket she used last time she was over. Mason’s still hovering by the counter, but as I approach Espy with the blanket I see Micah’s managed to get close enough to her to wrap an arm around her shoulders, and her face is buried against his side. My brain has no space for jealously right now, but if it did, I’d be pouting for sure.

I move in closer to the pair, my brain and my instincts at war over what she needs the most right now. I end up hovering awkwardly behind her, trying to tuck the blanket in around her shoulders without actually touching her.

Surprising me, she turns suddenly in Micah’s arm and grabs the blanket, pulling it around her body and over her head like some sort of robe. Once she’s fully encased, she turns around and burrows her head back into his chest.

“Uh ...” I catch Micah’s eye, then I turn and do the same with Mason. None of us seem to have any idea what to do now. “Why don’t we go to the couch?” I eventually suggest. “It’s probably more comfortable than being wedged against a counter.”

I take the nodding motion of the blanket to signal Espy’s agreement, backing out of the way so Micah can slowly guide her toward the living room. They settle down and Espy curls her feet up underneath her until she’s tucked into a ball, still plastered to Micah’s side. Seeing her seek him out for comfort, I allow my instincts to come forward and find myself sitting close on her other side. Mason seems to feel the same pull and kneels in front of her in seconds, all of us surrounding her in the protective bubble of our pack.

My heart practically leaps out of my chest when I feel the purr rumble out of me, and when Mason joins in, Micah lifts his head to look at us in surprise.

It feels weird coming out of my chest. But good. Almost like there’s been this subtle itch along my diaphragm for years that I could never scratch, and now suddenly it’s gone. It’s pretty uncommon for alphas to purr without an omega present, and I’ve never found myself doing it before. When I glance over at Mason, I almost lose my purr to laughter at seeing the dumbfounded look on his face. If it wouldn’t be one thousand percent inappropriate to take a picture right now, I’d totally pull out my phone to capture all our faces.

Instead, I lean in closer to Espy and grab the blanket to tuck it more securely around her feet. Despite the fact she’s upset, it’s a nice moment, and I make sure to commit this feeling to memory.



Taking up residence in a blanket for the rest of my life isn’t something I’ve considered before, but it honestly feels like my only option at this point.

It has two main advantages going for it. One: it’s super comfortable, warm, and smells like Cabe and Mason in a toe-curlingly delicious way. Two: it would mean I’d never have to face said alphas or their beta ever again, nor explain why I’m such a basket case.

Pretty compelling marks in the “pro” column if you ask me.

“Esperaaaaannzaaaaaaa,” Cabe singsongs quietly near my head. “You still in there?”

No. Nope. No way. Negatory.This is too humiliating. I have practice going without food; I bet I could wait them out in here until they lose interest, and then I can make my escape.

I jump slightly as the hand pressed against my side comes to life and moves along my arm in a comforting stroke.

“Esps.” Micah this time, dropping the “Y” from my nickname in the way only he ever does.

Do I have my phone on me? If I can get to it, maybe I can text someone to come act as a distraction. Leo and Lincoln aren’t an option—they’d both overreact and go into uber-protective mode. Mackenzie is probably still nearby, but I can’t pull her away from hanging out with her prospective pack.

Or can I?

What level of humiliation qualifies one to break up a date in favor of a rescue mission?

My frantic ruminations are interrupted as I’m suddenly lifted into the air, blanket and all. My squeak of surprise cuts off abruptly as I’m settled back down, only now there’s the distinct feeling of a firm set of thighs underneath me. The owner of the lap I’m now in—I suspect Cabe’s, from the citrusy scent—wraps their arms around me and pulls me gently to their chest, where I feel a quiet purr start up again.

My brain totally wants to flip out in excitement that I’m being held by Cabe, but since there’s no room in my head for anything but embarrassment, I force the feeling away.

“Espy, can you just let us know if you’re okay? You’ve kinda got us all freaked out here.” Mason does indeed sound on the verge of a panic.

“Dude,” Micah pipes up from right next to me. “Don’t put that on her. Ignore my brother, pretty girl. Alphas never know how to deal with emotions. We’re all fine, and we just want to make sure you’re fine too.”

“I’m especially fine,” I hear Cabe rumble against my ear as he gives me a little squeeze, and I can’t help but wriggle self-consciously at the reminder of just where I’m sitting.

Escaping the situation is starting to seem less and less likely.

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