Page 22 of Unsteady

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I want to crow with victory at hearing that I managed to distract her, but I decide that would be inappropriate given the current circumstances.

Lincoln doesn’t look super mollified. “You, call your brother.” He points at Espy. “Andyou, move along.Now.” The second part is directed at me, no surprise.

Begrudgingly, I agree it might be time to make my exit.

“You good?” I ask Espy. I have to make sure she feels safe before I go anywhere.

She nods, not meeting my eye and looking embarrassed.

“Okay.” I gather up the pages of my comic, which are now spread across the table. “Thanks for the assist with the drawing. Can I get your number? I so want to keep working on this.”

Lincoln butts in with another growl before she can even open her mouth.

“On second thought, I’ll just give you mine.” I pick up her discarded pen and quickly scribble my number on one of the pages she was outlining on. “See you soon, Esps!”

With a wink, I force myself to walk away.



I’m still sweating when I make it back to the house, and I know the burn of lactic acid build-up is coming for me hard. It may be the offseason for soccer, but my team trains practically year-round. I did team conditioning at the field earlier, then I decided to run the mile and a half back home in an effort to burn off some of the anxious energy that’s been burning me up all afternoon.

Damn Micah, taking life by the balls.

I leave my shoes at the door and head straight to my room, stripping out of my soaked clothes as I go. It’s only October, but Colorado can get chilly even in the fall. A warm shower right now sounds amazing. I stand buck-naked in my bathroom as I wait for the water to heat up. I like it extra scalding. Micah’s music drifts through the walls, confirming the little shit is, in fact, home. Good. I can’t wait to hear everything about the omega he ambushed earlier. Espy.

Not gonna lie, it’s an odd name. Her full name, Esperanza, is beautiful. It’s also four long-ass syllables. I looked it up when Mason first mentioned her, and it means “hope.” It definitely suits her, as I swear it’s the overriding emotion that’s been battering me this past week or so.

The small bathroom is looking steamy, so I step under the spray with a hiss.Perfect!

I stand for a while soaking in the heat, eventually picking up my soap and going to town.

I caught a whiff of the sweet little omega on Mason a few weeks ago, picking up her lingering scent even over the pizza he was carrying. It was appealing, that was for damn sure. Then again, it isn’t unusual for an omega’s scent to pique my interest. Last year I managed to convince Mason and Micah to come with me to meet some of the unbonded omegas on campus looking for a pack. There were a few I liked and wanted to get to know more, but I could tell neither of my packmates were sold. Maybe it was growing up in a pack or knowing two of my older brothers had recently foundtheiromega, but I’d been feeling the itch. I’d actually been considering going to a few of the socials solo, to see if I couldn’t do the leg work of finding a good potential match to bring back to Mason and Micah.

Both of my packmates are a lot busier than I am. Mason has his double major and is captain of the swim team, while Micah has a ton of side hustles going on in addition to his rather demanding comp-sci courses. And I’m just ... getting by.

I’m on track to graduate this year with a psych major and business minor, but I can’t say I’m really inspired by either. They seemed like good, general options when I was forced to choose my sophomore year, that’s all. I blame it on growing up the youngest of four boys in a pack family. There was always chaos around me and no real need or opportunity to form hobbies or interests outside of our unit. Making enough food for four young alphas, three adult alphas, two adult betas, and one busy omega was a massive undertaking in itself. This was only compounded when my younger brother and sister came along seven years after me—my parents’ surprise twins.

Anyway. I thought if I could manage to bring them a prescreened omega, ready to court, then that would solve our issue. I wasn’t expecting Mason to stumble across one by accident.

I lean forward to rest against the shower wall as I allow my soapy hand to wander down my chest and between my thighs. Hormones mixed with pheromones can wreak havoc on alphas and omegas. Ever since I started spying on Espy in the cafeteria two weeks ago, catching little wisps of her scent, I can’t seem to go more than three hours without getting hard. Even in the middle of the fucking night. I’ve started waking up at 2 a.m., balls aching and dick like a fucking steel rod, all red and angry, demanding I solve the problem.

I feel like a Gods-damn teen again, back when I first revealed as an alpha.

I’m sure Mason knows all the science-y stuff behind it, but it’s unusual for an alpha or omega to pursue sexual relationships outside the pack. Probably some evolution thing about ensuring reproductive health and the passing along of genes that will be cared for by a family unit, blah blah blah. My dads gave me the talk when I turned twelve. It wasn’t any less embarrassing having heard it three times before when my brothers presented.

I knew some alphas and betas messed around. There were probably omegas who did as well. I had a girlfriend in high school, and we made out sometimes. I didn’t have any big drive to take it further though. It was just nice having someone to hang out with, rely on, and protect. As far as I knew, even betas who didn’t join a pack tended to wait for physical intimacy until after a commitment was in place. It’s just kinda the way things are.

I bite my lip as I wrap my hand around my swollen cock, using the soap to help things along. It’s hard not to be crass in the safety of my own head, but I honestly don’t need much more than to picture Espy’s gorgeous face with those big, baleful eyes. I imagine getting to hold her, running my hands down her curves. What would it feel like to pin her body beneath mine? Would she whine for me? Would she submit?

“Aurggggh,” I groan softly, turning my head to bite into my arm as I pick up speed.

Just as my mind starts to wander into dirtier fantasies I’m interrupted by a knock.

“Cabe! Pack meeting!”

Gods-damn Mason and his shitty timing. I try to ignore him and concentrate on the task at—ahem—hand.

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