Page 23 of Unsteady

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“Okay, okay. I’m coming—just a sec!”

I’m so close toactuallycoming, I decide to hurry things up. It makes for a rather unsatisfying finish to what had been shaping up to be a lovely shower, but at least I won’t be sporting an erection for this meeting.

I’m back out in the living room in no more than two minutes, both Mason and Micah waiting for me on the couch.

The two always look related with their blond-ish hair and green eyes. If I squint, or if I’ve been drinking, they sometimes blur into a single entity. The Hayes-hybrid.

“Dude,” I say, pointing a finger at Micah as I take a seat. “Spill. I assume that’s why you’ve called us here.” I raise an eyebrow at Mason, who nods.

Damn beta goes and sets up shop with my dream omega and then refuses to respond to my texts all afternoon.Jerk.

“I want to court her.”

“Yes!” I crow, pumping my fist in the air as I cheer.Finally. Someone else is on board.

“Don’t you think that’s getting ahead of ourselves? Just a bit?” Mason crosses his arms with a frown, looking unconvinced. “She’s been through a serious trauma. I only got the cliff-notes version from Leo, so who knows how sick of a situation she was really in. She can’t even be around alphas right now. And I don’t blame her. How are we supposed to court her if she’s terrified of us?”

It’s an okay point, but not enough to dissuade me.

“She’s scared now, but that doesn’t mean she’ll be scared forever,” I point out.

“Yeah! She seems okay with her brother’s packmates, and they’re both alphas. The scary, big one, Lincoln, came and chased me away from her in the cafeteria after you guys left. She was fine,” Micah states.

“Wait, he chased you off? What did you do?” Mason’s frown only gets deeper.

“It was nothing. She just forgot to check in with her brother, and he was worried about her. She was sodistractedby my company, and I guess the pack panicked.” Micah waggles his eyebrows, clearly pleased with himself.

“That’s my point exactly!” Mason cries, looking exasperated. “She’s fragile! She doesn’t need us chasing after her while she’s trying to get her feet back underneath her.”

“That’s for her to decide,” I speak up. “Though I agree we can’t rush her. If she needs time to heal, she can have it.”

“Of course!” Micah agrees. “I’m not saying we go club her over the head and drag her back here or anything.” He rolls his eyes.

“Doesn’t sound terrible to me.” I smirk. I may or may not—but definitely do—have a fantasy just like that I’ve taken to occasionally playing out in my head.

“We’re not even looking for an omega!” Mason tries a new approach, seeing that we’re not persuaded.

“Speak for yourself.”

That has both of my packmates staring at me.

“Wh-what?” Mason looks shocked.

“You’ve been looking for an omega?”

“Well, kind of.” I shrug. “I’m not, like, out every night trying to hunt one down or anything. But ... it would be nice. Ya know?”

I don’t feel the need to break out into some emotional speech about my desire for family—for a fully formed pack bond. I’d rather save all that mushy shit for my omega.

There’s silence for a while, and then: “This is great!”

Micah, of course. Mason’s still frowning.

“I still say we’re getting ahead of ourselves,” he grumbles. “None of us know anything about her really. Cabe’s never spoken to her. Never even made eye contact.”

“We know some stuff—” Micah tries to protest.

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