Page 5 of Just As You Are

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“Holy shit. You’ve known this woman for what? Two months? You haven’t even gone out with her and you’ve claimed her?”

And here it comes. I love my club brothers, but they can—and will—make fun of anything. Especially when one of us finds our forever. They’re still giving Amante shit about being a ‘kept’ man.

“Bring it on. Let’s have it.” I laugh at them.

They all start laughing and ribbing me about Lila.

“Seriously though, of course she can have one of the positions. In fact, it’s great timing. Ester just told me she has a family emergency back home in Spain and had to leave this morning,” Giustizia says.

“I hope everything’s okay. But the timing is perfect. Thanks, brother.”

He smiles and slaps me on the back. “Go get your girl.”

I can’t help smiling as I walk back to Lila. I wait for her to finish serving the guys sitting at the bar. Then I motion for her to come over to me.

“The shifts are yours. Fridays and Saturdays at Luminescence. You start tomorrow. They’re long nights, but there’s three of you. Start times are staggered. First at four, second at six and third at eight,” I explain to her.

“Holy shit, you did it? Okay so wait, do all three stay and close?”

“The first one on leaves around midnight. Second leaves at closing. Third does the final clean up and gets off around three. You can take whichever shift you want.”

“Can I ask which shift makes the most?”

I chuckle. “Sure. Generally, the mid shift or closer makes the most. That’s because the first shift goes home before the night is over.”

“Hmm. That makes sense. Can I get the closing shift?” she asks.

“Definitely. I’ll text the other two bartenders and let them know.”

I text Marshall and Angelo. They not only bartend for us, they started prospecting about three months ago. So I know Lila will be safe with them.

Cavallo: Got a new bartender starting tomorrow

Angelo: What happened to Ester?

Cavallo: Family emergency. She’s back in Spain

Marshall: That sucks. Who’s the newbie?

Cavallo: Her name is Lila. Look out for her. She’s my girl and we all know how some of the customers can get. She wants the closing shift. So you two work out the opening and mid

Marshall: Got it. You don’t have to worry. You working too?

Cavallo: Of course. Every Friday and Saturday from now on

Angelo: LOL. I’ll take mid if that’s cool

Marshall: Sounds good to me. I’ll be in at 4

Cavallo: Works for me. See you guys tomorrow

“Okay, it’s all set up, cupcake. You start at eight tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up if that’s okay.”


“Nah, I can drive myself. I have some things I need to get done before work,” I say.

“It wasn’t really a question,” he says. It feels like he’s studying me. “I want to know you, everything about you. It seems like you’re afraid of something and I know it’ll take time, but you can trust me.”

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