Page 73 of Finding Her Love

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He looks at me, surprised, and just stands there. I grab one of his hands and put it on my throat. I can’t tickle myself, so I yell for Mateo. I would yell for Kade, but he already got some tickles in, and I don’t need that right now.

“What’s going on over here, mi amor? You getting a little kinky with our nerdy boy over here?” he asks.

I give him a glare.

“Okay, I’m sorry. What did you need, mi amor?”

“I need you to tickle me while Luca has his hand on my throat. He can’t hear my laugh at all, and the closest he can get is feeling the vibrations from my throat,” I sign.

“Oh, my God, Paisley. That’s brilliant and such a thoughtful idea. How did you think of that?” Mateo asks.

“I actually read it in a library book. I was reading up about the Deaf community. A lot of people listen to music for the vibrations, and I thought it would be similar,”I sign happily.

I look over at Luca, and he is crying.

“Why are you crying, Luca?” I sign, confused.

“Because no one has been so thoughtful as to think of that for me,”he signs to me.

I walk the two feet that has grown between us since Mateo showed up and wipe the tears from Luca’s eyes. It hurts my heart that no one has ever thought of this for one of my guys. Especially my sweet, caring one. Now, today, that will change.

Taking his hand and putting it back on my throat, I nod to Mateo, and he inches closer to me with his hands up, poised ready to tickle me as soon as he reaches me.

On the verge of peeing myself from laughing so much and so hard, I basically have to yell at Mateo to stop. Immediately, his hands are removed from me.


“Your laugh is beautiful, Pai. I loved experiencing it, and don’t be surprised if I want to keep experiencing it,”Luca signs while laughing.

“You’re welcome, Luca. Just let me know ahead of time so I can prepare myself, okay?”

I giggle at what he says.

Don’t be surprised.

I have a feeling that means he is going to do it every chance he can get. Realizing that Luca and I have basically been in our own little world for the past few minutes, I look around and notice that the twins must have gotten the tent set up by themselves.

I walk up to Atlas and give him a big hug, and then I go and hug Kade.

“What was that for and how come we didn’t get any hugs, mi amor?” Mateo asks.

I go grab some water and take a sip. “It was because I wanted to show them my appreciation for them putting up the tent while we were lollygagging around. If you two want a hug, come here and get one. I’m an equal-opportunity hugger.”

They laugh at what I said, though they both come and get hugs. Being in all four of their arms has started to feel like home. It feels safe and like it’s where I’m supposed to be.

“Okay, I’m going to get everything set up to make lunch. It shouldn’t take too long,” Atlas tells the group.

“Let’s go explore a little bit. Maybe bring back some firewood?” Luca signs questioningly.

“Sure. Why not?” I sign back.

“Hey, guys, Luca and I are going to go exploring and maybe bring back some firewood,” I say nonchalantly.

“Exploring, yeah. Have fun!” Kade says.

Blushing, I turn back around. Luca grabs my hand and leads me away from the campsite. I follow with no protest, loving the feeling of my hand in his and how protected it makes me feel.

We walk for what feels like forever, but what was really a few minutes. Without warning, Luca turns around. I look him in the eyes, and it’s like there is a war going on within him. Giving him a few seconds to try to figure out what he wants, I tap him on the shoulder to bring him out of his thoughts.

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