Page 74 of Finding Her Love

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“What’s going on in that head of yours, my nerdy boy?” I sign worriedly.

“There is just something that is going on in my head that I want to talk about, but I’m afraid it might scare you,”he signs.

“Talk to me. You tell me to trust you, so give me the same respect. You did not run when I told you four my darkest secret; I won’t run either. Trust me with whatever you need to say.”



“You have to listen to me, all the way through without interrupting, okay?”

“Okay, okay,”I sign.

“I’m in love with you, Paisley, and I have been for a while, but never fully admitted it to myself. But after what you did earlier for me, I couldn’t stop myself from admitting it any longer. You are strong and fierce. A fighter. A survivor. Your smile brightens my day. The day you finally agreed to be our girlfriend made me so happy. I could go on and on, honestly, but we would be here for a long time. All of those reasons contribute to who you are as a person, and they are why I love you. It was inevitable to love you.”

I’m fighting to hold back tears. This amazing guy has just admitted his feelings to me, and I have no idea how to respond. My first reaction is to run away, but I know that is just a defense mechanism. I need to be strong, just like he said I was, and stay.

“I don’t know what to say, honestly,” I sign to him.

“You don’t have to say anything. You’ll know what to say when you are ready,” Luca signs back.

Warmth spreads through my body at his words. He is so understanding. Taking a few steps to him, I stand on my tippy toes and connect our lips. I hope that this shows him how I feel, since I can’t say anything right now.

The kiss is slow at first, exploring each other’s lips. Luca slowly moves one of his hands down my side and rests it on one of my hips. He takes the other hand and threads it through my hair, using that as leverage to pull me closer to him. When he swipes his tongue on the bottom of my lip, I open for him, giving him access. I feel weird using tongue, not having much experience still, but it seems like I’m doing it right. Luca hasn’t stopped kissing me so he must like it.

All of a sudden, I feel my back hit something rough and scratchy. I break the kiss to look behind me and I see I’m up against a tree trunk.

“Sorry, I should have asked,” he signs, ashamed.

“What are you sorry for? I was just surprised and curious is all. I didn’t even realize we were moving. I was too wrapped up in kissing you,” I sign while blushing.

“Oh, yeah?”he signs.

“Yeah, but we probably should get back. We’ve been gone a bit. I’m sure lunch is ready,”I sign quickly.

Luca nods, but swoops in and gives me one last long kiss, leaving me breathless. Then he grabs what he collected for the fire and holds his hand out for mine. I take it and he leads me back the way we came.



The guys had insistedthat I lie down and rest because I used up a lot of energy today hiking to get here, and tomorrow will be the same way. I couldn’t really argue with them, because right when I opened my mouth to do so, I yawned. So after lunch, I came into the tent and lay down. I don’t even think I was in here for two minutes before I fell asleep. Even though it was outside on the ground, I think that might have been my best sleep yet. I stretch while I wake up. It wasn’t dark when I lay down, but it is now.

Sitting up, I rub the sleep out of my eyes and try to focus on my surroundings a little more.

“Hey, you are awake, sleepyhead,” Mateo says from somewhere.

“Y-y-…Water?” I sign please as well, hoping he sees it.

Next thing I know, there is a bottle of water being placed in my hand. I chug the water, not realizing how parched I was. Once I quench my thirst, I close the bottle up and look up at him.

“Gracias,” I tell him with a grin.

“Be careful, sly little lady. You just woke up and are technically still lying in bed,” he says with hooded eyes. “Okay, if you are awake, it’s time to get up. We’ve got a surprise for you, and it’s dinnertime anyway. That’s why I was in here. I was coming to wake you up.”

I pout. I don’t want to get up. I actually enjoy being in this warm sleeping bag.

“Don’t make me come over there and drag you out of the sleeping bag. I see you over there pouting. You won’t win,” he chuckles.

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