Page 68 of Finding Her Love

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Kade catches me with ease. Unfortunately, the force and his grasp does make me flinch due to the pain, and I can’t stop myself before he realizes.

“I’m sorry, Paisley Girl,” he whispers to me.

“It’s okay, Kade. You weren’t trying to do it on purpose, it was an accident,” I whisper back, giving him the most genuine smile I can give at the moment. I want him to know how happy I am.

Atlas finally speaks up from behind Kade. “Okay, we need to go now. The quicker we go, the faster we can get on the road.”

I’m so glad I wore my leggings. It’s a cooler night, and I’m shivering. I rub my arms up and down to get some friction and heat on them. Next thing I know, a jacket is put over me to protect me from the chilly wind. Looking up, I see it’s Luca. I smile at him and quickly sign “thank you.”

He nods back at me and takes my hand in his. I follow him, along with his brothers, to the car. Opening the back door, Mateo, Luca, and Kade swing in the back, while Atlas holds the passenger door open for me. I love that they are all so considerate.

After turning the car on, Atlas messes with the radio and turns it to some pop station. I look at him and bite my lip.

“Keep biting that lip of yours and I’m going to kiss you, which we don’t have time for, wallflower,” he says.

Blushing, I immediately look forward.

“Oh, leave her alone, Atlas. Drive, so we can explain the rest of the plan to her,” Mateo finally speaks up.

I nervously twiddle my fingers. I have no idea what is going to happen next. I look back at my other three guys, and they all give me reassuring smiles.

“It’s okay, Paisley. Everything will be alright. We have a plan. We aren’t going to let you go back to her anymore. You are ours to take care of. To protect. Here, I brought a bottle of water for your throat. I thought you might try to talk, which you are under no pressure to do, and figured the water would help,” Luca signs.

My heart tightens at his thoughtfulness. No one besides these guys has shown me such kind gestures before. I can see my walls tumbling down faster every day when I’m with them, but tonight basically obliterated them altogether.

This thing right here that they are doing for me, saving me from my mother tonight, means absolutely everything to me. No one else in this town even looked at me twice, yet these four guys came into school like a storm and took a liking to me even after everything they learned about me. They are something special to me now.



A few milesfrom my house, Atlas pulls over and turns off the ignition.

Turning to me, he speaks. “Okay, wallflower, we are going to have a long drive ahead of us. I want to tell you the plan before we really get going just in case you aren’t okay with it. I wantyouto decide what you want to do.”

“I’m okay with whatever you guys have already planned,” I tell him without hesitation.

He chuckles. “While I’m glad you trust us that much, I still would feel much more comfortable telling you, just in case. I want you to know everything before we head out.”


“So, the plan is to drive over the mountains, which are about six or seven hours away. We’ll go to a sporting goods store and get some camping gear and clothing, and then hike up the mountain, stay there for the night and then come home the next day. That way, we come home on your birthday.

“Your mother can’t report you missing until the day after you turn eighteen because she won’t realize you are missing until whenever she wakes up in the morning. Hopefully. When we get back, she won’t be able to do anything to you, control you, or abuse you any longer. You will be free and able to make your own decisions. You are more than welcome to stay with us, Pete, and Betty.”

“I’m good with the plan, though I’m afraid I have never hiked and I’m pretty sure it will take me forever to do it. I don’t do a lot of exercise,” I tell them.

“That’s okay, Paisley. We will take as much time as you need. You are our priority,” Luca signs with a smile.

Not knowing how to respond, I stay quiet, hoping one of the other guys will jump in. Awkward silence follows, until Mateo breaks it.

“Okay, dude, she knows the plan. Why are we just hanging around here? We should be getting on the road, making sure that we are as far away from her house as possible for the next thirty-six hours or so.”

“Fine. I’m going,” Atlas replies.

Starting the engine again, he pulls back onto the road.

* * *

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