Page 67 of Finding Her Love

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Towel-drying my hair, I comb through it with my fingers and let it air dry while it’s down. Grabbing the lotion that’s on my nightstand, I rub some on my arms and legs, just to help keep them moisturized.

Making my way over to my little dresser, I go through everything to find something remotely decent to wear tonight. I’m unsure of what we are doing, so I go with warmth over cute. Not that I have cute things. I grab a black pair of leggings and a worn-out t-shirt that I think I got from a yard sale.

Exhausted from everything that has happened today, I lie back on the bed and pick the book back up. I try for several minutes to get back into it, but I just can’t focus on the story. Putting the book back down on the floor by my bed, I roll over and set an alarm for ten-thirty and try to rest, hoping that Mother will be asleep by then.




What the hell?

I realize it’s my alarm clock going off.

I turn over and look around for that fucking annoying thing. It’s one of those alarms that has the two bells on top and a hammer-like thing that bangs the two bells for the alarm. Finally finding the damn thing, I smash the top down, hoping that that quiets it. I don’t use it enough to know how to turn the alarm off.

Fuck!It’s ten-thirty. At night. I’ve been asleep for three hours. I just left the guys out there and didn’t even tell them what I was doing. I’m such a horrible girlfriend.


God, I never thought I would be called that.

Shooting out of bed, I turn the light on immediately and head toward the windows. My heart feels like it’s going to explode with how fast it’s starting to beat. They are there. Waiting on me. All four of them.

“Let me go check on Mother and see if she is asleep. Then I’ll be back,” I sign to them with a worried expression.

Making as little sound as possible, I creep my way down the hall and check Mother’s bedroom. Putting my head up against the door, I don’t hear any sounds coming from inside. Making my way down the stairs, I work down each step individually, hoping they won’t creak as I put pressure on them. Rounding the corner of the hallway, I peek around the corner and see her passed out on the couch.

I glance at the front door. It’s only five feet away from me and it would be so much easier than jumping from my window. Except it might wake her up if I close it too loudly.


Quietly, I head back upstairs to my room. Sweat drips down my forehead. I’m so nervous and anxious. Not only am I about to leave the house at night, but I’m about to run away from my mother. If she finds me, I can only imagine the consequences. I don’t think I would wake up if she got a hold of me after tonight.

I stop just in front of my door.

My life is about to change drastically. I have no clue what is going to happen and what I’m going to do.

Not wanting to waste any more time or risk Mother waking up and catching them or me, I run into my room and to the window as fast as possible. I throw it open.

“Can I jump now?”I sign.

“Yes, Paisley Girl. I’ll catch you. I promise. Trust me. Are you sure there is nothing that you want to take with you?”Kade signs, furrowing his brows.

“Nothing,”I sign.

I step out onto the windowsill and look down, silently freaking out. If Kade doesn’t catch me, I’m going to have some more broken bones.




And then I’m freefalling in the air. For what feels like minutes. It’s maybe a second, but I feel on top of the world. Truly free.


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