Page 57 of Finding Her Love

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I should behappy about the last period of the day, as I get to spend time with Kade and Luca, but today, it’s like a ticking time bomb.

Only two hours until I’m home with Mother. I’m sure she has heard about what happened with Quinn, and I know people have seen me talking today.

I’m not scared of dying, but I don’t want the guys to worry about me. I know what to expect from Mother, but they don’t know how bad she can be. What Kade saw the other night isn’t even the worst.

Walking into class, I immediately spot my two guys over in the corner. I make my way over to them and they instantly start up a conversation.

“How was Art?”Luca signs.

“It was fine. I drew a picture of all of you. Atlas basically stole it because Mateo stole my last drawing,” I sign back.

“Wait, why did he steal your drawing?” he signs with his eyebrows raised.

“Well, I ended up drawing Mateo without thinking about it, and when I realized what I had drawn, he’d already seen it and stolen it by the time I realized what he was doing. I didn’t want to object or cause a scene. Though to be honest, I’m glad they both have the pictures. I wouldn’t be able to take them home with me without Mother seeing, and she would most likely tear them up. At least this way, someone gets to appreciate them,” I sign with my shoulders hung low in defeat.

I sigh, sad that I never get to bring home my art, for fear of my mother. Most of my art ends up in the trash. At least those pieces can find a home.

“What have you two been up to today? I only saw you at lunch really, besides this morning,” I sign.

“Well, I just came from Computer Lab, but before lunch I was in Weightlifting, and it was a good session. I’m not going to lie, I had so much pent up anger at what you told me. Not at you, but at everyone who didn’t believe you. I needed to work out the anger. It was very soothing, in the end,” Kade signs.

“I’ve just been daydreaming about kissing you again,”Luca signs while chuckling.

“LUCA!” I sign with wide eyes.

“What? I’m just being honest,” he signs, shrugging.

I stare up into his eyes, and my eyes instantly drift to his lips and I get this feeling of heat crawling up my body. I have to look away from Luca, but where I look is no different. My gaze ends up on Kade, and his eyes look like they want to devour me, just like they did the other night. At this point, I feel an intense throbbing between my legs, and I know what it means. Reading all those years prepared me for this.

I raise my hand and ask the teacher to go to the restroom.

Basically running as fast as I can, I get to the restroom and hide away in one of the stalls. I need to distance myself from them. I don’t know if I’m ready for that part of a relationship yet. Thinking about even taking the next step makes me scared, and I find myself fighting a full-on panic attack.

Calm down. They won’t hurt you.

And I believe that. I just need to take some breathers and remember that they are not him and that they will respect me.

Gaining my composure, I open the stall and run right into Quinn.

“You don’t have your guys to protect you now, do you?”

I freeze. I’m back to being that scared little girl who doesn’t speak or stand up for herself. All I know is this, and it’s safer to fall back into it. I know what to expect.

Don’t let her win. This is what she expects. Fight back!says a little voice in my head.

I know that logically, I do need to fight back. But that’s in theory, not in practice.

“P-p-pl-pl,” I try to say “please don’t” and stutter my way through the first two letters.

“HAHAHA, you can’t even say a single syllable without them around, can you, slut? What the fuck do they even see in you? I’m better than you in every single way,” Quinn basically yells at me. “How about we make a deal? I’ll take the three normal ones, and you can have the defective one.”

What. The. Actual. Fuck?

Is she talking about Luca? I’m seething now. She can say whatever she likes about me, but shewill nottalk bad about my guys.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” I run at her and pull her hair. “How dare you call Luca defective? He is deaf. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him. Who the fuck do you think you are? You can say what you want about me, and I’ll take it, but talk shit aboutmyguys, and we have a fucking problem, bitch.”

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