Page 58 of Finding Her Love

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God, it felt good to call her a bitch to her face.

I’ve been holding that back for years. I’ve taken all the verbal beatings from her and now that the guys have helped me find my voice, I’m going to use it.

As I’m still pulling on her hair, she grabs my wrist and digs her nails in. I can feel that if she digs in any more, I’ll start bleeding, so I let her go.

“Leave me the fuck alone, bitch. And stay the fuck away from my guys. Yes, I said my guys. I’m dating all four of them. Call me what you want. I don’t care anymore. I trust that they have my back!” I exclaim.

“They won’t want you. Once you sleep with them, they’ll leave you. No one wants to share one girl. The jealousy, the alphaness, the time. It’s too hard to deal with, and I can’t wait for when it all crumbles and you’re even more lost and broken than you already are,” she laughs.

I ignore what she says and turn to leave the bathroom. All of a sudden, something yanks on my hair and the last thing I remember before losing consciousness is falling backward toward the ground.

* * *


Man, Paisley has been in the bathroom for a long time.

Kade and I are just sitting in the classroom waiting patiently for her to return. The class is actually boring without her in it.

It’s like she was the missing piece to our group.

As minutes and minutes go by, I sit here getting more and more worried about what happened to Paisley. There is this overwhelming nervousness sweeping through me that something is wrong with her. It’s like before when I knew something bad had happened to her. It’s this gut-clenching feeling.

I get up, needing to do something about it. I grab Kade, and we walk past the teacher, ignoring her trying to get my attention. Whatever she is saying isn’t nearly as important as finding and making sure Paisley is okay.

“What the hell, man? You just ignored the teacher!”Kade signs.

“Dude, I don’t give a fuck. Something is wrong with Paisley,” I sign aggressively.

“How do you even know that?”he signs to me with his eyebrows raised.

“I don’t know, man, but it’s like this gut feeling. I just know,” I sign.

I head to the girls’ bathroom.

“Yell and see if there are any girls in there before I head in,” I sign.

Kade says something and then gestures inside.

As I round the corner, I’m almost brought to my knees. I see Paisley on her back, and she isn’t moving. Rushing to her, I’m on the ground in seconds, trying to figure out what happened. I touch her head, and she has some blood coming from the back of her scalp.

“Call 911. Her head is bleeding!”I sign quickly.

Please don’t be too hurt, Paisley. Come back to us. You just came into our lives. Don’t leave now.






I hear an incessant beeping, and I have no idea where it’s coming from. The beeping reminds me of a hospital heart monitor.

FUCK! Am I at a hospital?

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