Page 55 of Finding Her Love

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“Please tell her I said thank you. She is much too kind,” I sign.

“You can tell her thank you next time you come over,” he replies.

Once the food is heated, he drags me to my section in the courtyard.

“Sit,” he demands.

I sit down without hesitation, and following his command instantly makes a little fuzzy feeling happen in my tummy. I ignore it, since I have no idea what it even means.

All the guys trickle in and sit down with us once they get their lunches.

Once all the guys have arrived and have sat down, they don’t miss a beat, turning to me and starting to throw out questions and statements.

“How are you?”

“Was second period okay?”

“Hope my twin is treating you like a queen.”

“Are you doing okay after everything that happened?”

“You know we are here to listen if you want to talk, right?”

“Enough! Leave her alone and stop bombarding her,” states Atlas.

I look around at everyone, and there are some people who still stare at me, but honestly, what have I got to lose at this point? The guys know my deepest secret. If they are going to leave, they are going to leave.

“It’s okay, Atlas,” I tell him as I put a hand on his shoulder.

“They are just worried about me and want to make sure I am okay. Right, boys?” I ask.

A chorus of yeses rings through my ears.

“First off, how are you doing after this morning? It’s been a few hours since you told us. Are you sure you are okay?” Mateo asks.

I take a sip of water since my mouth is dry and think on what he asked.

IthinkI’m okay. Am I upset that I had to tell them my story? Yes. But. There is this overwhelming feeling of happiness at the same time. No one has listened to me for seven years, and finally someone—four someones, to be exact—believes me and not everyone else.

“I feel overwhelmed, scared, worried, but ultimately relieved. You four are the first to believe me, and you are still here. I’m taking that as a good sign, that you won’t leave. You know my deepest darkest secret. I have nothing left to hide. I’m trusting you all not to hurt me, which is why I’m scared and worried,” I tell them.

I look them all over after I let out my feelings. They all are gorgeous, and I don’t know what they see in me, honestly. I’m broken, I’m beat down, and I have nothing to offer them. I don’t even know if what I’m doing is the right thing to do.

“You are perfect. Stop doubting yourself. As long as you are okay with what you talked about this morning, we will leave it be for the rest of the day, but please let us know if something changes or you need to leave school. Any one of us will take you somewhere. You know I’ll miss class for you,” Mateo says with a wink.

“There is a subject that we need to circle back around to, that you blatantly dismissed this morning,” says Kade.

“Will you be our girlfriend?” Luca signs.

I look between all four of them.

“I refuse to pick. I told you that earlier,” I sign back.

“We aren’t asking you to pick. If you would listen to us, you would have known that earlier,” says Kade.

I look at them, dumbfounded. They aren’t going to ask me to pick? Then why are they asking me to be their girlfriend?

How would that even work?

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