Page 54 of Finding Her Love

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I hear these constantly whispered whenever Paisley walks past anyone.

Do they even know the truth or are they blindly following Quinn, the queen bee?

I look at Paisley, and her face is just so blank. It’s so sad that she has had to endure this for so many years. We have only been here for…what, three weeks? And it’s been every day with the bullying.

When we walk into the classroom, Quinn is sitting in Paisley’s seat.

“Oh, hey, baby. I figured after the news you found out this morning, you wouldn’t want to sit with this cunt. So I’ll sit next to you to make you feel better! Isn’t that wonderful news? I have been wanting to know more about you and your brothers—well, except for that weird deaf one—since you got here! This is so exciting!” she screeches.

“Okay, Quinn? About the news that you ‘shared’ this morning? It was completely and utterly wrong of you to do so. You really had no right.”

“No right? What right didshehave? My dad—”

“No, I don’t want to hear any more of what you have to say,” I cut her off. “You are basing these rumors on other rumors. Not only has one life been ruined when it happened, but you continuously ruin her life every day. So, you tell me. Why would I want anything to do with someone who bullies, degrades, spreads rumors and is a narcissist?

“If you want love and respect, you have to give it. And I have yet to see any from you, towards anyone. You demand respect using fear and manipulation. That’s not love, either. I guarantee that if you weren’t the head cheerleader, you would be nothing. So, again, kindly remove yourself from her seat.”

She scoffs, but gets up out of the seat and heads to hers.

Paisley reaches her hand to my cheek, and the next thing I know, her lips are on mine. I freeze for a split second before I move my lips against hers. I let her command this kiss. She initiated it, so she should be able to dictate it.

The kiss is nice and slow. I move my hands to her hips and pull her slightly closer to me, needing to erase as much space between us as possible.

I hear a throat clear behind me, and I break the kiss reluctantly. Turning around, I see Mr. White staring at us. I forgot that we were in school.

I don’t regret that kiss. She wanted to kiss me. It was in front of all of our classmates, though.

“Are you fucking serious? You are fucking kissingher? You know what she accused my father of, yet you still want to be around her? You know he didn’t do it, right? My father would never do something like that. NEVER!” Quinn shouts.

“Listen, it doesn’t matter what you say. I believe Paisley and what she says happened. I am and will always be on Paisley’s side,” I say.

Done with the conversation and knowing Mr. White is getting agitated that we are eating into his class time, I pull Paisley toward our seats and motion for her to sit down.

Class finally starts up, and I lean back in my chair and glance at Paisley.

“Not that I’m complaining, but after what you told us this morning, why did you kiss me? I figured you would still be a little in shock,” I sign to her.

“I kissed you because it felt right. You all are constantly showing me that you are there for me. You stood up for me. You four are the only ones who have done that since I was eight years old,”Paisley signs back.

“You need to get better people in your life. Hopefully you start with my brothers and me.”

She blushes and looks back to the teacher and starts taking notes, effectively ending that conversation.

Ah, wallflower, we still need to talk about you becoming our girlfriend.



Finally,second period is over. I no longer have to ignore Atlas staring at me. Since class is over, Atlas takes this as his chance and pulls me along to his locker while he grabs some things. He drops off some books and grabs new ones. After getting his bookbag together, he grabs my hand and leads me to the cafeteria, specifically the microwave section.

I give him a quizzical look.

“Did you forget I was bringing the leftovers from last night’s dinner? Mom wouldn’t let me leave the house without them this morning. She was so excited for you to have them.”

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