Page 19 of Finding Her Love

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“She told me she fell down her basement stairs. Obviously, I don’t believe her, because the part of the bruise that I saw was finger marks,” Luca signs to us.

“We seriously need to figure out what is going on with Paisley. Why does everyone treat her this way?” Mateo throws out there.

“You’re not wrong, Mateo. Okay, plan of action. Luca, you stay close to her, try to get as much information about her as you can, since you have the assignment with her and she seems willing to have some type of conversation with you. We want to keep that avenue open for her at all times. While I have the assignment too, it seems she is more comfortable with you for now. I’ll work on talking to her in second period. Kade and Mateo will work on the students in the school. Talk to them. Since they seem to love gossiping about her, maybe we’ll be able to find a little grain of truth in all the rumors,” I tell him.

Retreating into my mind and thinking about everything that has happened in the past couple of days, it’s mind-blowing. So many questions and not enough answers. There is a sense that even after we find out what’s going on, we still won’t know the whole picture until we confront Paisley and she tells us her side.

Tuning back in to the conversation between the guys, I find that they are talking about the teachers, their classes and how much they already hate doing homework. I head upstairs to my room to get some peace and quiet. Kade is just way too loud for my liking sometimes. I love my brother, don’t get me wrong, but man, he is a handful a lot of times. Kade has always been like that. Growing up, he needed to be the center of attention, in his own way. Even in our group of four, he still craves the attention that our biological mother never gave him.

I never craved it like him. I just wanted him to be happy. I was perfectly fine being in the background so he could get all the attention.

That’s not to say that I had it any easier. We both had our issues. The more I hid, it seems, the more Mom would give me her attention. I know Kade doesn’t blame me, but I blame myself that he never got our mother’s love the way he wanted it in the past and has been craving attention from others ever since we have been separated from her.

I must have been lost in my thoughts for several minutes because the next thing I know, Pickles has crept up and snuggled right into the crook of my neck. I seriously can’t get over this cat. He came at the right time. All of us boys were acting out, and Pete and Betty thought getting us a pet would be a good idea. They kept saying that taking care of a pet teaches responsibility, builds character, and gives you a routine.

I don’t think they realized they had four very rowdy, rough, disobedient ten-year-olds. I took to Pickles like my life depended on it, though. He became my best friend before I got to really know the guys. Fortunately for me, Pickles took a liking to me too and stays with me most of the time.

* * *






The anger just keeps rolling off me. I can’t get what Luca told us out of my mind. Paisley had a bruise on her wrist. Who would do that to such a sweet girl? Hell, Paisley doesn’t even talk! Why would anyone have any reason to hurt her?



Right hook.

We have to protect her.Ihave to protect her. I can’t let history repeat itself again.

I punch, kick, and everything in between until I can’t see straight. Kade came down a few times to check on me, but he could see by my demeanor that I needed this time. I need to get my anger out now so I don’t take it out on Paisley tomorrow when I see her. I know myself well enough, and it’s highly likely that I still will.

* * *

As I sit at the table for dinner with my mother and father, it’s one of the few peaceful nights that we’ve had as a family. Mom cooked us tacos al pastor with some rice and corn. I’m mindlessly eating when all of a sudden, Dad slams his hands down on the table.

“Damn it, Camilia! I told you no asparagus this time. I hate it, so stop making it!”

“But Mateo likes it, and it’s good for his body. You don’t have to eat it. Just think of Mateo, Jay.”


I look up, and the next thing I know, Mommy is on the floor.


I get up to go check on her, but Daddy grabs me and throws me against the wall.

“Leave her the fuck alone, boy, or I’ll have to teach you the same lesson as I’m about to teach her!” he screams at me.

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