Page 9 of Forever Fabled

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“I’m going to go check my email, write something that will make my wife either laugh or blush, and then literally drag your bum to the mess hall so I can sit across from you – and kick you in the shins every time you getthatlook on your face,” Reaper said, putting his finger in Austin’s face – before grabbing him by the shoulder and pushing him forward. “Let’s go…”

Minutes later, Austin was staring at the computer screen while Reaper sat across from him, typing away.

Austin didn’t have any family to write, making this all the more painful.

He grew up in and out of foster homes because his mother had a drug addiction that took her life when he was seventeen. She’d been a junkie for as long as he could remember – and it was really sad, honestly. He had no idea that having lighters and spoons in the bathroom, along with needles, wasn’t normal… until he was twelve, when it hit him. The foster homes were nice and clean – and his own was a disaster.

Looking back now, it shocked him that he’d managed to come as far as he had. Opportunity seemed to find him, and he enjoyed every moment of it until recently… and wanted that carefree life he’d found in the Academy back again.

Logging in, he opened up his email and hesitated. There was a ton of junk and spam in there… but one email stood out to him.

It was a military email address… which was odd.

Army, too.


He didn’t know anyone in the Army – not even on the next base. Maybe it was spam too? Like the Prince of Sudan wanting a dollar for a plot of land… yeah, right.

Clicking on it, he hoped it wasn’t some virus that he was opening that would end up shutting down all the computers or crashing the system… and stared in disbelief at the simple message.

I bet you are wondering what this is… and who I am, aren’t you?

Let’s play a game, Sparky.

Tag. You’re it.


A friend

Austin looked up and stared at Reaper, who looked up a moment later.

“Something wrong?”

“Did you send me an email?”

“No. Why?”

“Do you know anyone in the Army?”

“The grunts next door? I know one guy, but that’s it. Why? Did you get something from Logan?”

“No. This is from a person named G. Beck.”

“Yeah, I have no idea who that is.”


“Write them back and ask what’s going on – let me know if we need to print it and turn it in to security…” Reaper said candidly and went back to writing his wife.

Austin clicked reply and sat there for a minute, his mind rolling with curiosity.

Okay ‘friend’… I’ll bite.

Who is this?

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