Page 82 of Forever Fabled

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To her, if she was giving out readings, rattling off stats such as pulse, oxygen levels, told to bolus so many cc’s, or start a drip at a certain millimeter per thousand… that was nothing.

That was her ‘language’ – and this was obviously his.

“We’ll be on the ground in ten minutes if you want to go ahead and text Harley or your parents. I’ll request an Uber once we land and…”

“My parents don’t live far and will probably be excited to meet you. I’m betting they are going to want to run right over to pick us up. Is that okay?”

“This is your visit, darling. It’s whatever you want to do,” he said easily, staring at the displays and checking around the plane again distractedly as they got closer and closer to the ground. She realized he probably wasn’t even aware he’d called her ‘darling’… and smiled.

She liked diverting him, if that was what happened. He let down his guard when he was distracted elsewhere? Oh, she would need to keep that little tidbit in mind.

Marveling at his skills, she watched as he glided the Cessna down effortlessly and taxied it forward, heading directly for a building in the distance. It was so strange to think that they could just ‘borrow a plane’, go anywhere, and ‘park’ it here at the airport… yet as Austin hopped out of the plane, telling her to wait just a moment for him?

She realized that this was exactly the case.

He climbed back inside, smiling at her.

“We’re going to roll it into that hangar in the distance and tie it down,” he explained like it was nothing… yet her mind was still a little flabbergasted that this was actually happening.

… Just like that – he was ‘going to valet’ the plane.


She smiled at the craziness that life was turning out to be. If someone had come to her and said ‘Hey, you are going to email this guy and fall madly in love with him – but he’s on the other team – and oh yeah, he flies for a living’…

She would have told that person they were insane… yet here he was.

They’d met by chance.

He swept into her world, winning her over one step at a time. He had become her best friend, her rock, the best part of every conversation, and treasured being in the same space as him. Just something as simple as holding his hand, or touching his temple, made her feel connected in a way she never imagined… and she loved their bond.

“Do you want to text your father?”

“I’ll text my parents.”

“Perfect. I’ll let the team know we are safely here with the plane and tell them thank you again.”

“… From both of us, because this meant a lot,” she asked quickly, only to see his smile as he looked at her from his seat.

“Of course,” he said softly. “Always.”

She nodded nervously and turned back to her phone, texting her parents.

We just landed. I wasn’t sure if you were available to pick us up at the municipal airport…?

We are already on our way and will be there in a few!

Oh wow! Thank you! XOXO

We can’t wait to meet your young man… your mama made a roast tonight and her homemade potato rolls are rising right now.

Mama made potato rolls???

Of course! Her girl is home, and she wants your man to be well fed!

“Oh wow…” she muttered in disbelief.

“What’s wrong?”

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