Page 81 of Forever Fabled

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… The ‘yokes’ on me? I guess?she mused.

“In the Falcon that I fly, we have what looks like a joystick or a yoke… but these little things are a dream. It’s like riding a bike with training wheels because it’s so different. I mean, I’m not trying to minimize it but it’s just so incredibly dainty compared to that monster I get to shoot into the sky all the time.”

“Do you like flying a Falcon?”

“Love it,” he admitted openly. “It’s like driving a Bugatti or Lamborghini compared to a Ford Focus. Both will get you there, but one has all the bells and whistles with enough power to put you back in the seat while the other putters along nicely.”

“So, you’re a speed demon?”

“No, but I certainly appreciate quick responses from my machinery. If my brain thinks ‘bank right’ – I need it to move immediately, because there might be an issue.”

“I guess it would be like me using a scalpel versus kindergarten blunt-nose scissors. It would cut, but my goodness - it would be terrible.”

“Right tool for the right job,” he laughed softly. “Feel the motion as I move the plane a little bit.”

She watched as he glided it slowly and she felt it dip slightly, angling the side he was on downwards just a bit before straightening up.

“Course correction,” he smiled at her. “I think it might be easier to fly north of DFW before turning west towards Wichita Falls.”

“I’m just along for the ride,” she joked and shrugged. “Whatever you think is best.”

“Do you want to do anything while we are in town?” he began. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to go on a date or just spend time with your family. I want to spend time with you and thought a date might be nice, but I’ll be cutting into your time then. We can do whatever you want, so long as we are together. Do they like to play board games, cards, watch movies?”

“They just like to hang out and talk.”

“Oh man,” he chuckled nervously. “I’m not exactly a good talker sometimes and…”

“Austin, relax,” she smiled, taking her hand off the wheel since he was holding onto it too – and smoothed his hair, needing to touch him. “They are going to adore you as much as I do.”

He nodded nervously and glanced at her.

“They are going to fall for this sweet guy beside me because of how wonderfully happy their daughter is when she is with him,” she whispered, moving to trace her finger just inside of his collar.

“I’m really glad to hear that,” he said quietly, his voice echoing in the headphones on her head. “I know I get nervous sometimes and I didn’t mean to make a fool of myself, but I just think you are so incredibly wonderful that sometimes I wonder what you see in me.”

“I see a part of my soul that I didn’t know was missing,” she whispered, staring at his beautiful profile as he swallowed, before glancing at her. He reached for her hand, clasping it in his, before kissing it firmly and held it against his chest… before nodding silently.

Her words moved him, and it was easy to see.

“Thank you,” he whispered moments later. “Thank you for just being you – and being here with me.”

“I can’t think of anywhere else I would want to be than right here beside you,” she admitted openly.



Wichita Falls, Texas

Time passedas they flew for a few hours, talking here and there, but mostly she was grateful for the bench seat as she could snuggle a little closer to Austin, marveling at some sights in the area. It wasn’t long before he turned to her, kissing her swiftly, and held up a finger to his lips.

“Wichita Falls Reginal, this is Cessna 631 out of Tyler… We are coming in southbound and requesting permission to land.”

Cessna 631 hold your pattern…

Giselle listened fascinated as Austin and the person on the other end of the speaker began rattling off gibberish to her, talking about runway numbers, letters, a specific altitude, and advising to taxi to a certain building.

Yes, this was complete Greek to her… but Austin looked at her, nodding and smiling, as he immediately moved the plane to make preparations to land.

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