Page 77 of Forever Fabled

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“I want us to just take our time, be together, and…”

He lifted his head from where he was holding her close, looking at her there in the moonlight. His thumb caressed her cheek as he gazed at her so openly with so much emotion, standing there within her arms.

“I want no one’s advice or suggestions on how our relationship should go, what we should do next, or how we should act… because I just wantus, Giselle.”

“Me too,” she whispered softly.

“I want our own kind of perfect as we fall in love…”

Her breath caught in her chest because that was the first time that he truly said anything about love. He said he cared, told her he felt strongly, but hearing this now in the moonlight reminiscent of their fence-dates just felt so special somehow.

“Our story is so beautiful,” he whispered against her lips, kissing her softly, his lips brushing against hers so gently as he spoke. “And growing every time we touch. It’s just our hearts and our souls involved - and we are fools to let others tell us what we need… when it’s this sheer perfection between us, that we found by some miracle.”

“It is…” she breathed, clinging to him.

“Let me treasure you,” he continued softly. “Let us learn to love each other and discover what we need from each other. I will take you soaring through the clouds tomorrow, we’ll visit another castle, and share so many moments that will build memories that will last a lifetime… if you’ll let me flounder around at your side as I learn how to love you, my paladin.”

She couldn’t stand it anymore - a noise escaped her, sounding between a sob, a squeak, and a laugh as she pulled his head to her, kissing him soundly.

They stood there in the dark, holding one another in no rush as they kissed in the moonlight. He didn’t press for more or push for things to get more intense, rather it was like he was savoring just being close to her… and that was what she needed.

… Only to hear the most incredible thing.

Austin had begun humming faintly, taking her hand from his neck and holding it in his, as he started to step slowly with her.

“Dance with me in the moonlight,” he beckoned. “Continue weaving your spell, my beloved paladin, and never,ever, let me go.”

They danced, held each other, until they were shivering and yawning from exhaustion. It had been an endless day, full of people, travel, misunderstandings, and… clarity.

As they walked inside, he kissed her once more before climbing up onto his bunk as she lay down on hers… only to see a hand drop down beside the bed, wiggling his fingers at her.

“My hand misses yours already,” he chuckled playfully, punctuated by a yawn, as she moved to hold his hand with hers for a brief moment.

“… And as for dreading going back to just our emails or a fence, maybe that is something we should figure out together —alone— and away from any helpers?”

“I would like that… because I am not ready for any of this to end.”

“Me neither – and I don’t plan on letting go… even if I need to let go to get to sleep. It’s a different ‘letting go’ I assure you,” he teased again, and she could practically see his smile in her mind.

“You are a goofball,” she laughed softly, kissing his fingertips before releasing his hand. “Goodnight, my precious knight.”

“Sweet dreams, my beloved paladin.”

Giselle closed her eyes – only to hear his voice again in the stillness of the dark.

“I’m so thankful for that first email.”

“I am too,” she admitted.



“Upgrade time!”Austin called out excitedly, bursting into the room, just as she finished dressing.

“Uh hello? Knock, knock?” she gaped, shocked… and saw his astonished look right before it melted into a smile.

“You’re decent.”

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