Page 73 of Forever Fabled

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“I like this,” he interrupted softly, giving her hand a slight squeeze. “I like us holding hands and being a couple.”

“I do too,” she replied, blushing slightly as she looked up to see several people watching them — all smiling knowingly.

“Let’s talk later,” she hedged, wanting privacy. While this was nice, it was also like having an entire mess hall watching or holding a conversation with you.

Austin nodded silently, still holding her hand.



Austin sat thereat the table, holding Giselle’s hand and treasuring how wonderful it was just to be there… all while lost in his own thoughts, replaying the last hour in his mind.

Firefly and X-Ray pulled him aside, dragging him away so they could talk to him away from everyone else. Within seconds, he was in a car staring at a little girl about two years old with shockingly white hair, watching him with fascination.

“So? How serious are things between you two?”

“Wow. You sure don’t sugarcoat it much, Firefly.”

“Never have, never will…”

“He wants to know if you are happy,” X-Ray smiled easily. “And we’ve all been in your shoes, knowing how wonderfully scary falling for someone can be. It affects your life, your thoughts, and your dreams of the future – so we wanted to check on you.”

“I’m good.”

“Are you sure?” X-Ray said gently – and Austin looked at the man that had occupied the bunk directly across from him the moment he’d arrived in Ghazni.

“You’re not engaged,” Firefly interrupted bluntly, putting the car in park finally and getting out. “You’re not foolin’ around. You’re going to her parents’ home, so does that mean you are asking her daddy for permission? Is she pushing you for marriage?”

“What? No? Wait - do you think she’s expecting that? I mean, we are kinda serious but…”

“Did you buy her a ring?”

“Noooo?!” Austin balked, feeling nervous now as he saw the jewelry store before them, wondering if they had dragged him here to buy Giselle an engagement ring.

“Dude! She flew halfway across the world with you – alone – and taking you to see her parents. The girl is gonna be expecting you to pop the question or marry her.”

Austin looked at X-Ray, who smiled and shrugged.


“You probably should be ready if the discussion comes up,” X-Ray began carefully. “I know that Firefly had the whole thing set up for Melody… and well, I ran away with my girlfriend, and we ended up married, waking up beside each other in quite a mess. It was hard because both of us were terrified at that moment because of our own issues. Then I had to leave again. It was tough on me because I couldn’t see her… but for you? You’ll see her, but be separated, too.”

“How well do you know her?” Firefly asked. “I feel like you are my kid brother and kinda always have – so I just wanted to check on you.”

“I’m… I’m confused. Why are wehere, of all places?” Austin admitted hesitantly in a hushed voice. “I really like Giselle so much and feel drawn to her, but sometimes I feel like we are so different, too. I mean, I’ve never felt like this and she’s so quiet sometimes.”

“You are pretty outgoing, pup.”

“What do you mean?”

“You love life, you do everything you can to bring joy to a room – whether it’s singing Madonna at the top of your lungs in the middle of the gym on base, throwing peas at the next table in the mess hall, or pretending to suntan on the runway and asking Reilly for sunscreen…”

“Oh gosh, Reilly was really fuming about that…”

“Yeah, you have no regard for your own safety,” X-Ray admitted, grinning.

“It was funny.”

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