Page 72 of Forever Fabled

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An audible groan rose from all the women, startling Giselle.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing at all,” Melody smiled tenderly with this faraway look on her face. “Except that my sweet man probably is going to be mush.”

“I bet he bawled like he did at your wedding.”

“I’ll take that bet.”

“You all need to stop it. I love my sweet, emotional man.”

“Sutton is Firefly…” someone whispered to her -and Giselle balked.

“Firefly? The same guy who’s been teasing Austin…cries?”

“Hey! Hey,” Melody snapped her fingers, frowning protectively. “Let’s focus and go inside. Margaritas were promised and I’m hungry – andeveryonecries.”

“Who can enjoy a margarita this month?” Glory asked.

Harley, Dixie, Giselle, and most of the women raised their hands – except for four of them. Delilah, Marisol, Abby, and Sophie did not raise their hands, and it did not go unnoticed.

“Sophie?! OH MY GOSH, ARE YOU…”

“I don’t know, but I can’t take a chance at this point. I’ll let you know in a few weeks and if I’m not? Then I want my margarita and Midol immediately.”


Abby smiled at her and hooked her arm around Giselle’s, leaning in so she could whisper an explanation.

“They’ve been trying for over a year now to have another baby. Her husband is still stationed overseas and only comes home once every few months for a week, so it makes things tough. I know she’s been tracking her cycles, bought an ovulation counter, and trying everything she can because she wants Ben to have a sibling… but nothing’s happened yet.”

“Oh, I can’t imagine how hard that must be for them.”

“Yup. Last time he was home and got her period again? Sophie cried and cried. Dixie made her favorite cupcakes, and we had a period party at the house.”

“What’s a ‘period party’?”

“Midol, maxi pads, Kleenex, heating pads, pajamas, and ice cream… we all sat around, watching Hallmark Channel, and sobbing like fools while talking about babies, our husbands, and the kids. It’s just nice to be around people that understand, you know?”

Giselle nodded… but she did not know any of that. Not anymore. Being on base, away from her family and friends, had taken that bonding from her and she really wanted to be a part of a group once again.

Abby pulled her forward as everyone poured inside, taking their seats, and she was laughing at how they were saving seats like children. Melody, Abby, and Giselle all had their purses in chairs to hold spots for their men… and she marveled at the smiling faces as everyone walked around the table, saying hello, greeting each other, and reinforcing those bonds.

She remembered that Harley had them on shifts, so it made sense that they were saying ‘hello’ because it might have been a little while since the friends saw each other… and there were so many of them! It was staggering to see people still walking in the room, saying hello, and greeting everyone.

… And then moments later, as the servers were bringing several baskets of chips, in walked Austin and Firefly. Sure enough, the man was smiling and his eyes were shiny as he cradled a little girl against his shoulders, who was sucking her thumb.

“What made you decide to…” Melody began, and Betsy stuck out her arms, immediately diving for the safety of mommy’s arms. “Oh, you look so pretty! Doesn’t Betsy look lovely?”

Everyone at that end of the table immediately began praising the child as she gingerly touched her ears, happily, the soreness forgotten completely.

“How are you doing, Sutton?” Melody said gently as Austin took a seat beside Giselle, moving to hold her hand.

“Me? I’m fine,” he said gruffly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m always fine and…”

“I love you, sweet man,” Melody smiled tenderly as the couple shared a knowing look with each other – just before Firefly leaned forward to kiss his wife.

“You went with Firefly?” Giselle asked quietly, looking at Austin, who was looking at her. “You didn’t miss much. We haven’t ordered yet and…”

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