Page 70 of Forever Fabled

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“Of course, we did… I think.”

“I’m pretty sure we did… didn’t we?”

“Is Abbykins meeting us at the restaurant?”

“Yep. Houdini went to pick her up – and Cessna. They are bringing my sweet ‘pupparoni’with them.”

“I don’t think they are going to like that at the restaurant.”

“Luke, Betsy, and the kids will…”


“The motormouth has a point…”

“How come Glory isn’t a jumble of words tonight? She’s actually… sedate. Did you drug her? Hello, I’m Melody and this is Betsy.”

“I’m Sophie,” another woman announced, waving. “Ben is in the car seat beside me and I’m not sure how he sleeps through this.”

“Cause my wretched brother banged her in the hanger – I swear he is a walking sexual harassment case,” Harley muttered angrily before glaring at Glory, who was sitting there with a very happy smile on her face. “I love you both dearly, but seriously?! Put a leash on Hunter and quit encouraging him.”

Several heads whipped around to look at Glory in the minivan – and Giselle almost felt sorry for the woman… except for the obviously proud grin of happiness all over her face that made her laugh instead.

She didn’t look remorseful in the slightest.

“Harley – did you just say ‘banged’?”


The two women, Harley and Glory, looked at each other and shared a smile… just as the woman with pigtails sighed happily.

“Your brother is simply the best,” Glory smiled again, looking out the van window and letting a little giggle slip, causing everyone to gawk at her in shock.

“Dang, maybe I should have him talk to…”

“Ifanyonefinishes that sentence? – I’m telling your husband. There is no way…NO WAY… that she is that happy, becauseI’mexceedingly happy with my spouse, and I do not sit there looking like I’m in some drugged stupor.”

“You try having some man save you from hundreds of evil creatures, undress you in broad daylight, whispering promises to you, and then he makes love to you just to stop your tears…” Glory sighed happily, closing her eyes and smiling once more.

Giselle grinned as Harley rolled her eyes, and another woman spoke up. That wasn’t quite how the spider incident went down, but obviously in this woman’s mind - her husband had done just that.

“I seriously love and dislike you so much right now.”

“Delilah, you have the same issues as Glory, and we all know it. Just because your boobs and ankles are swollen from baby number three doesn’t mean that you are not happy at home with your husband. That belly tells a much different story, girlfriend.”

The woman shrugged – and winked at Giselle.

“Cody’s got the van with the kids, but I wanted to hitch a ride to meet our newbie…”

“You mean you wanted a break from teething?”

“That too.”

“Y’all are too funny…”

“It’s pronounced ‘Down to earth’ and ‘tired mama syndrome’…”

“Not all of us,” a woman mumbled. “Hello - I’m Dixie.”

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