Page 71 of Forever Fabled

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“Hi – Giselle.”

“Dixie, why don’t you talk to Romeo and tell him you are ready to have children?”

“Because I don’t know if I am or not,” she answered honestly. “It’s a big move and we’ve had enough enormous changes in our lives. It’s kinda nice that it’s just us and things are in a routine, settling down. We certainly don’t need any more drama or tragedy in our lives.”

Giselle wasn’t sure what they were talking about – but something in the woman’s frightened eyes told her that she’d been scarred badly by something in her past.

“Babies are wonderful… a joy,” Marisol said easily from the back seat beside Sophie. “I’m Marisol, and my husband has my kids in his vehicle.”

“So says the woman who pops out nine-pound quarterbacks at birth… but if you asked Meredith or anyone that’s lost a baby or someone they love? They would understand that fear that lingers in both of our minds. No, we aren’t in any hurry, but the urge comes up.”

“That would be your biological clock ticking…”

“I know.”

“Would you pass on…”

“Can we change the subject?” Dixie said firmly, wiping her eyes on her shirt collar. “I really don’t want to go down this path right now, and it’s just a hormonal phase. Tomorrow I will be glad that it’s just Lee and I…”

“We are here,” Harley announced, interrupting her. “Any teary eyes? Wipe your faces… and someone pass Dixie a baby wipe please? Romeo will freak if he thought she was crying – and for Pete’s sake? Glory, will you stop smiling? Seriously? You are going to give us all a complex.”

Giselle couldn’t help but admire the bonding between the women who all opted to ride together while the men took their cars – and the children – giving them a much-needed break to talk.

It was actually really sweet.

They were all there for each other, helping each other, not holding back, and were a genuine family… and she loved it. It reminded her of her own sisters’ back home, who had married and moved away over time.

This was simply wonderful,she thought warmly and smiled at Harley.

“Everything okay?”

“This is nice, you know?”

“We’re just all the best of friends – and try to keep things open between us all. Sometimes it’s hard because we all get upset, envious, jealous, or frustrated… but we care and love each other too. These friends I would call my sisters – and I am blessed to have each of them in my life,” Harley said gently, reaching for Giselle’s hand. “I can’t think of another place that seems like heaven, then here.”

“I have my husband and daughter, a job I never imagined, a home that works for us, and a family that we’ve built over time. Do I want a nicer car, a bigger house, more money, or nicer things? Sure… but I would never sacrifice the other aspects that I have. The indescribable gift that it is to help a friend get on their feet here, to see their lives take shape, and see how our Flyboys family expands.”

Giselle swallowed, knowing Harley’s words were designed for her.

“It’s a beautiful thing,” Sophie volunteered in the silence. “I love our group so much and knowing someone, anyone, has your back at any moment with just a single text message between us.”

“We’re family and sisters…”

“I promise it’s not a cult,” a woman said, opening the door, startling Giselle. She hadn’t even thought about this being a cult and the moment that word was out – it all started to click for a moment. Was this a cult? Was she in trouble?

… And then she saw the newcomer shake her head ‘No’ in silent understanding as Houdini waved in the distance, walking off.

“Hi, I’m Abbykins according to Glory – and the biggest skeptic. Y’all should really roll up the windows if you are having a moment. It’s called privacy, ladies. Dixie, honey, you have a little mascara under your eyes, sweetie - and Romeo is headed this way. Can someone give her a mirror? What’s your name, newbie?”

“Giselle,” she smiled nervously. “And I’m not really new – I’m just visiting.”

“Sure you are,” Abby grinned, winking at Harley. “C’mon, hon. Gage is getting our table already, and I think he wants Sparky at our end when he gets here. Melody? Firefly told Romeo he’s at our end and said he was ‘taking his favorite puppy for a quick walk first - and that he would be late’?When did you get a dog?”

“We didn’t – it’s a long story. Yup – Sutton just texted me. They are on the way now,” Melody said simply, climbing out of the van and then groaning aloud. “Whoa boy…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Sutton got Betsy’s ears pierced…”

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