Page 62 of Forever Fabled

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“You’re assuming I would want to know,” she said loftily, trying to hide her feelings. “I would be happy for you though, my friend.”

She felt him pull back slightly and turned her chin upwards, making her look at him… and saw the emotion in those beautiful brown eyes that made her knees weak.

“Be happy forussomeday,” he whispered tenderly, “because we both know I’m crazy about you – and a little nervous to share so much of myself, but it’s there.”

Giselle stared up at him, feeling her emotions bubbling within her. She gazed at his beloved face, treasuring his soft smile, and the way it made her feel… understanding completely what he meant about ‘sharing himself’ because it was scary to open up to someone, giving them the power to hurt you.

“So, I should quit wondering where we are at in this?”

“I was hoping you would pick up on that when I called myself yourboyfriennnd,” he breathed, touching her cheek.

“Let’s pretend I’m completely dense and hard of hearing. Dumb it down for me and spell it out.”

His smile widened, and he leaned forward to kiss her lips softly.

“You just want to hear me say it, don’t you?”


“I’m completely infatuated with you,” he began hoarsely, looking so intense yet afraid at the same time, and she understood. “I can’t imagine us not talking or being close to each other.”

Austin paused for a moment, searching her eyes.

“I think about you every morning and dream of you each night… so yeah, I’m very interested – and proudly at your side. You can label it whatever you want. Boyfriend, friend, significant other… just so long as you call me ‘yours’,” he murmured, brushing his lips against hers once more before deepening the kiss between them.

She melted in his arms, wrapping hers around him and savoring the feel of him being so close. His lips held hers as his mouth opened, tasting hers… only to hear a knock at the door.

“Do you want some coffee?” Harley said, interrupting their kiss. “I can show you both around and you can explore the area.”

“Yeah, we’d love a cup and will be right out,” Austin hollered easily, and dropped his voice as he stared at Giselle. “Tell me we are okay, sweetheart?”

“We’re… serious?” she whispered, searching his eyes and feeling tears sting hers at the revelation that this was big between them both, and he was indeed in the same mindset as her. That was such a relief because she found herself wanting to tell him so many times how much she cared.

“We areveryserious, sweetheart,” he breathed, “and if you ever worry or need reassurance? Talk to me, Giselle. We’re a team and I’m never letting go now that I’ve found you.”

She threw herself into his arms again, hearing his soft chuckle of happiness, and kissed him.



It surprisedAustin at what a gig the team had going here.

There were three classes scheduled today – and Houdini taught all three. Caboose, Valkyrie, Thumper, Firefly, Hot Cakes, and Romeo were on rotation – doing flights with the students. Glory and Alpo worked/played around in the hangar all day long… and Harley, Thumper’s wife, did all the bookkeeping.

The guys took turns on the coms, making sure the way was clear or that there weren’t any problems… and while it was chaotic with planes taking off and landing all day long?

It worked - really well, in fact.

Giselle was talking with Harley and he was half listening, watching the planes soar off the ground… smiling. They sure weren’t his Falcon, but it was nice to see the serene atmosphere around the place. The breeze was cool on his face and the sunshine was bright, making this feel so welcoming.

The flying lessons were actually making money, too – which surprised him. He figured when they told him they were on rotations, everyone was ‘part time’ and making a little paycheck here or there.

Except that wasn’t the case.

They got paid by flight hour. Some guys did longer training flights if requested. They had people driving in from an hour or two away for a chance to fly the planes, look around, buy t-shirts, or even take photos with the pilots. Each man had a coverall with their call sign over the pocket, just like a name badge in the Air Force.

Hot Cakes was looking into what charter flights would involve for the company because of a recent issue that cropped up. Doing charters or emergency runs would really expand their field, and they could compete with private businesses… or even the smaller planes at the airport.

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