Page 61 of Forever Fabled

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“Nobody crossed a fence,” she and Austin said at the same time – and then smiled at each other.

“We’re friends,” she finished, putting her hand in his as they walked up the steps to the building.

“Hunter, you never hold my hand anymore,” the woman said behind her, causing Giselle to glance over her shoulder as they entered.

“Because I’d rather hold you against me.”

“Guess we all better start going back to the basics.”

“I think I’ll go call Dixie.”

“Good idea. I’m gonna call Delilah.”

“I’ll be back, fellas,” one man said. “I’m taking Marisol some flowers.”

“Ohhhh smart…”

The storm door shut behind her, silencing the commotion behind them.

“I’m so sorry about the confusion,” Harley said openly. “Most of the time, we get to meet the significant other when they are becoming a spouse or not long afterwards. I apologize if we made either of you uncomfortable.”

“You didn’t know,” Giselle said softly. “It’s fine. We just appreciate you putting us up here.”

“Are bunk beds going to be okay? I mean, we really don’t mind. I can call my friend Sophie and ask her if there are any rooms available – and I’m sure there are because the town is tiny.”

“Can you give us a few minutes to talk, Harley?” Austin interrupted politely. “We’ll be right out.”

“Of course. I’ll go make a fresh pot of coffee – that isn’t Hot Cakes brewed sludge.”

As the woman left the room, they both put down their bags.

Giselle’s eyes darted, taking in everything. The room was very simple. There was a very sturdy, dated-looking set of bunk beds in the corner… and a recliner. A small end table near the bed had a lamp on it and a tiny shelf that had mini deodorants, mini shampoos, and tiny soaps. They were ready for whoever came or needed something.

“Are you going to be okay with bunk beds – or would you like a genuine room with privacy?”

“This is fine – as long as you are fine. I mean, we’ll have privacy and it’s quiet.”

“Are you sure?”

“Austin, we’ll be here for two days before going to my parents. If I trust you to sleep in the next bedroom over, inside my parents’ home? I think I can handle you sleeping in the bunk above me.”

“So, I guess I’m on the top bunk?” he teased softly, his eyes dancing.

She smiled – and stepped forward to hug him, savoring the way his arms came around her easily. They just fit well together, and she loved breathing in the scent of him.

“I would prefer the bottom bunk, if you don’t mind,” she whispered against his shoulder. “And your friends are a lot to handle sometimes.”

“They mean well, I swear,” he breathed against her hair. “You are amazing and they love me like a kid brother – so when they see someone so incredible as the woman in my arms is? I’m not surprised they are pushing us or making comments. They are all happily married and want that same thing for everyone.”

She looked up at him in surprise.

“Don’t you want that for yourself someday?”

“Still trying to figure out how any of it would work, you know? I mean, Ghazni isn’t exactly a quaint town to raise a family or buy a house in.”

“I see,” she said simply, moving to step away – only to have him tug her back into his arms, hugging her once more.

“…But I never said that I didn’t want it for myself,” he began softly. “I’m trying to wrap my head around some really big details, and I think as my best girl, my confidant, and my favorite fence-rendezvous friend… you’ll be the first to know when I am ready to make a change.”

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