Page 63 of Forever Fabled

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Their children would be there later today – and they had that handled too. None of the little ones were enrolled in daycare. Instead, it was a team system too: Marisol, Harley, Glory, Delilah, and Melody, each took one, two, or three children for the day that was needed, putting them into a rotation and giving them the chance to stay home, raising their own.

Melody still worked full-time opposite of Firefly, but only because they were heavily remodeling their older home one room at a time. Harley only worked once a week as daycare, because the rest of her time was spent at the office — maintaining the financials, the marketing, and the scheduling to keep them all busy.

Yeah, Flyboys (and their families) were thriving.

“Are y’all hungry?” Romeo asked suddenly, popping his head into the office where Giselle and Harley were sitting nearby. “I heard there was a special request for Whataburger and something about ‘spicy ketchup’?”

Harley chuckled knowingly – and Giselle looked up at Austin, her eyes full of affection.

“Did Austin tell you that?”

“A little birdie might have said something…” Romeo grinned. “I like the dude and wish he was there when I was. Man, that would have been fun.”

“I’m going to gather up the orders and take Sparky down to the hangar,” Romeo began… and Giselle spoke up, not looking away from Austin.

“Could we all go?”

“Of course,” Harley agreed, putting the phone ‘away’ so the voicemail would pick up immediately on the first ring. “Let’s go.”

Austin felt Giselle take his hand and couldn’t resist smiling at her excited face. He loved that his girl reached for him – and that the simple things made her happy.

They strolled along the side of the runway, watching the planes take off and land, reveling in her bright, expressive face. She looked so happy to see this up close – and he couldn’t wait to see what she thought of their flight to Wichita Falls in a few days.

As they got closer to the hangar, Austin froze as he heard a shriek… a clamor of metallic noise followed by several curse words.

A pink roll-around tool cart came flying out onto the runway… followed by a very irate looking Glory. As she banged on something, she started screaming bloody murder and jumping around frantically.

Alpo was climbing down off a ladder, and they began to run towards the woman - when Glory brandished a spray can in one hand, held up her other hand, and a stream of fire exploded forward towards the tool cart.

“WHAT THE…” Harley shouted, looking behind her.

Austin did the same to make sure a plane wasn’t coming down.

“GLORY!” Alpo hollered, racing towards his wife, knocking the can out of her arm and shoving her behind him as Austin ran up.

“Where’s the fire extinguisher?” Austin asked quickly.

“Was that brake clean, Glory?” Alpo asked bluntly. “Or was it gasoline? Throttle body cleaner? What was that in the can?”

“BURNNNN, YOU NASTY THING!” Glory yelped angrily, glaring at the pink tool cart that was engulfed in flames on top and smelled like burning rubber combined with something else. Harley pulled her aside and Giselle stepped back without having to be asked, because Austin was afraid something would pop or explode from the heat.

Alpo obviously thought the same thing, because he was removing bottles from the bottom of the cart and tossing them in Austin’s direction.

“What were you thinking, honey?” Alpo yelped, moving quickly.

“Where’s the fire extinguisher?” Giselle prompted again as Harley pointed to the wall in the distance.

Glory was trembling and crying now, slapping at her arms in disgust and Harley was brushing her off, both of them exceedingly upset.

“What is wrong?!” Alpo asked, moving to her side as Austin took over, trying to put out the flames with a towel he found on the ground… only to back away. There was a massive spider sac underneath it.

He looked at the woman who was beside herself, sobbing now as Alpo held her.

“Did she get bitten?” Austin yelled over the sound of Giselle spraying the cart with the extinguisher. “Giselle, back up, love. Something’s wrong!”

He got up and pushed her away, taking over and looking at Alpo again.

“Something hatched and I think it got on her…”

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