Page 60 of Forever Fabled

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“Pounding the pup? Or should it be ‘tup the pup’…”

“STOP!” Austin blurted out in a booming voice, looking almost as stunned and horrified as Giselle. “Y’all, we aren’t married… and nobody’s doingthatand even if that happened? I would never tell you for this very reason.”

“He’s shy… how sweet.”

“Sarge looks like she’s about to have an aneurism… I wonder why?”

“Hot Cakes’ turkey comment.”

“Hey man, everyone got that joke and understood it.”


“Stuffin’ the muffin…”

“Bakin’ the burrito…”

“Stop!” Giselle croaked out nervously, almost afraid to glance at anyone – including Austin. “We aren’t sleeping together, and we aren’t married. We are just friends.”

“Friends?” three guys uttered – and the two women sighed dreamily.

“They’re inthatphase…”

“Oh goodness, I loved those moments.”

“So romantic, right?”

“Jackson was so sweet.”

“I’m still sweet, honey.”

“Yeah, you are, but it’s different when the guy is trying to win over the girl. There’s an excitement of the unknown, a spark… oooh? Sparky? Is that how you got your call sign? Making all the girls fall in love you with, you charmer…”

“No – and this is all mildly uncomfortable. Is there coffee made? Can we put our bags in the room… with the bunk beds?” Austin began pointedly. “You can have round two of ‘humiliate the newbies’in five minutes.”

“Oh,” a woman said and stuck out her hand politely. “I’m Harley, Sarge. If you want to follow me?”

“My name is Giselle – and thank you.”

“Why did he call you Sarge then? Is that your call sign?”

“I’m not a pilot.”

“Firefly… why…?”

“She’s a sergeant in the Army,” Firefly called out, grinning – only to see every eye turn to Giselle again.

“What?” she uttered, starting to feel slightly defensive. “What’s wrong with being in the Army?”


“At least she’s not a puddle-pirate,” someone whispered loudly, causing her to laugh at the derogatory term for a Coast Guard member.

Each branch had their slang. Grunts, jar heads, zoomies, squids… they were all full of pride when it came to their own branch – and teased the others mercilessly.

“Sparky, you playin’ on the other side of the fence?”

“Does Reaper know about that?”

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