Page 48 of Forever Fabled

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The next afternoon,around noon… Austin couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he slid his sunglasses on his face, hefting his bag onto his shoulder. The truck was waiting for him just outside the gate, and it was time.

Walking up, he was a little surprised to see it was a covered vehicle, but then again? It made sense. Make this look like a normal run, a truck full of soldiers and military personnel, so they weren’t stopped or bothered.

Moving to the passenger side door, he saw a man in camouflage sitting there and hesitated. The man looked at him, raised an eyebrow.

“Where do you think you are going,Zoomie?”

Austin hesitated.

“In the back,” the soldier said bluntly, smirking.

Heading around to the back of the truck, he raised the flap… and stared.

Giselle was sitting inside, with her back against the back of the truck opposite of the driver – and smiling. Without questioning a thing, he threw his bag in the back of the truck, climbed in, and saw her stand… moving forward to take her in his arms, hugging her tightly.

Closing his eyes, he inhaled, breathing in the scent of her hair and marveling at the way she just fit in his arms.

“Heading out…” the soldier called in warning, just as the truck lurched forward, nearly dislodging the both of them. Giselle quickly sat down – and dug out two helmets and vests from the side compartment, handing him one.

“What’s that for?”

“Your head,” she smiled, slipping the vest over her head as she strapped the helmet to her chin, and heard the driver laugh knowingly.

“Hey Zoomie… down here on earth, among the plebes? When we go into town, we protect our bonedomes from stray bullets,” the driver called out over his shoulder, easily. “Put the gear on and humor everybody. Nobody wants to explain why someone ends up dead on a run.”

Austin actually forgot about this part when he first arrived in Kabul. That had been quite a shocker as he’d sat on the truck with a few other guys, all donning protective gear. It was protocol now for everyone because when they had first started setting up the bases, one truck had been fired on from the street.

Austin slid the vest over his head, donned the helmet, and yanked off the precious sunglasses, putting them in the case and in his bag. He then reached for Giselle’s hand automatically… immediately lacing his fingers with hers. The sight of their hands together was more poignant than he ever expected, making him swallow back the knot in his throat.

He needed this.

The closed flaps of the truck reminded him of their rendezvous along the fence line in the dark. It was dim inside, with so many shadows and only the occasional bump would cause the flaps to move, allowing in a brief glimpse of light.

They sat silently together, hands clenched, and bracing themselves on the rough roads before arriving to the airport finally.

“I’m not putting it in park,” the driver said bluntly. “Get your things and tell me when you are good – then I’m out. Leave the gear for the next person and have a nice flight. Be safe, you two.”

“Will do,” Austin began, quickly standing as they both shrugged off the gear, stowing it, and he hopped down. Helping Giselle down, he grabbed both canvas totes and slung them onto his shoulder, before glancing at her… and swallowing again.

Now was not the time to be fawning over her – he had to get her inside to safety. Seizing her hand, he pulled her with him towards the door.

“We’re out,” he said simply – and heard Giselle.

“Thank you so much, Keyes,” she began. “Be safe!”

“You, too, Beck.”

Surprised, everything in him wanted to ask how she knew the soldier, but didn’t want to come off as a possessive lout.

Of course, Giselle knew the men on base. Heck - she probably had seen half of their backsides giving ‘peanut buttershots’or medication straight into the cheek. She was a medic and had dug out bullets, stitched up people, gave fluids, and helped save lives… and he needed to acknowledge that – not be jealous.

The truck drove off and people were moving all around them. They stood out. Giselle pulled her bag off his shoulder, hiking it on her own. He nodded tightly as they both moved forward silently, hurrying into the building to go check in and get through the security checkpoint.

As they finally got to the gate for their flight, he set down his bag and looked at her… seeing her watching him. Neither said a word, but moved easily into the other person’s arms, seeking contact.

Now he was free to memorize her features, here in the sunlight. She had a warm peach tint to her cheeks and pale golden-brown eyes that reminded him of amber. Her hair surprised him. He assumed it was a dark brown because of the shadows, but it was actually a rich, heavy auburn.

He stood there, drinking in her features, loving the way the light danced across her skin… as his fingers brushed against her cheek. It was so soft and she was more incredible than anything he could have imagined.

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