Page 49 of Forever Fabled

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She reached up to touch his face, her fingertips brushing against his chin near his goatee… before touching his lip – and he was lost. He could feel her trembling in his arms, knowing how overcome he was himself, and it was too much.

He reached up and sank his hands into her hair, cupping her head as he tugged slightly before capturing her lips. The feeling, the emotions within him, was insanely strong. This attraction between them was made even more intense by knowing how the other person’s mind worked.

As he kissed her, he felt her hands on his back, cradling him and craving the sense of belonging.

He belongedhere– in her arms.

Someone nearby hollered at them, and he felt Giselle jerk against him.

A man was sitting there, waiting for the flight… and had poked her with a cane, still mouthing something and pointing at her. His hands were gesturing, pointing at his own head, frowning angrily – and Giselle pulled away.

“I need to cover my hair,” she whispered painfully. “He’s offended, I think.”

“If he pokes you with that cane again,I’mgonna be offended,” Austin snapped hotly, looking at the man. “No,” he said simply, putting Giselle behind him protectively.

“Let’s walk over to that shop and I’ll get a scarf.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Austin,” she began. “I’m here, in their country, and a foreigner. It’s a sign of respect and this isn’t going to be a one-off event. We’ve got another thirty minutes before they even load us onto the plane. Watch my bag and I’ll be right back.”

“I’m coming with you.”


It seemed like such a shame to cover her hair or any of her face now that he was finally getting to see her in the daylight – but he understood. She glanced at the hangars, finding a sedate large scarf that looked almost like a shawl, and held it up.

“Is gray my color?” she teased softly, pulling it off the hangar and moving to purchase it.

“Everything is your color,” he replied without thinking – and saw the look of pleasure and surprise in her eyes, just as they crinkled slightly at the corners when she smiled.

“Oh, you are good…” she teased openly. He picked up two candy bars he couldn’t identify or read the labels, two bottles of water, and pushed her hand away when she moved to pay.

“I’ve got it,” he said simply, purchasing everything.

“You don’t have to do this,” she protested faintly. “You bought the tickets.”

“And you are my girl,” he countered quickly, paying the clerk and nodding politely, before handing the scarf back to Giselle. Picking up the bag, he turned to look at her… and saw her watching him, the scarf clenched in her hands, as she stared.

He felt his heart quicken as he met her eyes, taking the scarf slowly from her and unfurling it, before draping it loosely to cover her hair.

“There might be something to this…” he breathed softly.

“What’s that?”

“All that beauty is only mine to look at,” he murmured and saw her shy smile, just before he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “C’mon. Let’s go back to the gate before anyone else decides to reprimand us again.”



Forget ‘cute’…

Giselle couldn’t stop staring at Austin.

It was like seeing a new person now that all the shadows and darkened smiles were gone. He was standing there before her, vibrant and incredible. Rich, dark, warm eyes held hers… and his hair that she suspected was black, was actually a warm dark brown shade, nearly the same color as his eyes. The scruff on his chin was a little darker, but it only served to accentuate the tan skin of his face.

He was simply beautiful… and kept looking at her like he was thinking the same thing as her own revelation. The shadows and dim lights of their meetings at the fence had hid so much, never realizing it.

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