Page 47 of Forever Fabled

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They were departing in the morning from Kabul.

As he waited by the fence for Giselle for their evening tryst, he mentally went down the checklist of things he would need. His cell phone was on a charger in Reaper’s office, his passport was on top of his clothing to wear in his footlocker. His bag was packed… and all he needed was to sleep – and catch a ride to the airport.

Reaper refused any of the other pilots volunteering to drop him off, claiming that they would make a security guard available. So, there was one change with the new regime already.

“Not being difficult, but if something happened? You can pick up a gun and defend yourself… but they cannot fly your plane. I need everyone I can,” Reaper had explained, almost apologetically – and he knew why.

Reaper had done shuttle duty for a couple of the guys willingly in the past, just to keep the rest of them safe. It was dangerous to be on the roads by yourself and alone – and the ride back could be a short or treacherous one.

Finally, he saw Giselle.

“Hey…” he smiled and easily stepped forward, his fingers holding the fence as she pressed herself to it, brushing her lips against his easily.

“Hi there…” she breathed softly, smiling happily. “Are you ready for tomorrow?”


“My ride is heading out of here at noon, so I’ll be there in plenty of time for the flight.”

“Mine isn’t leaving until one – so I will be there, but you might be alone for a bit.”

“No problem.”

“I don’t see why they wouldn’t let us drive together.”

“I’m going to suggest it again,” Austin admitted, because it made sense and fewer resources were used. If they were stateside, there would be a shuttle available to any military personnel on base… one vehicle would be so much better.

“I emailed my parents and told them it would still be a few days, that we were going to fly into town together,” she said softly, and he couldn’t help that melting feeling inside of him as he marveled at the warmth of her eyes. Gosh, what would it be like to see her in the light of day, away from the shadows… to see that lovely smile, bask in that warmth, and be close to her?

“I emailed a couple of the guys at Flyboys to let them know I was flying in for a visit,” he began softly, feeling her fingers touch his where he had them on the fence. “I told Caboose, Firefly, Ghost, and Maestro, that I was coming into town with a friend – and they said we were welcome to use the facilities to stay there onsite for free. Reaper also told me we were welcome to a few rooms at his wife’s bed-and-breakfast.”

“What do you want to do?”

“I thought we could stay at Flyboys,” he admitted. “There’s two beds according to Firefly, a kitchenette, and it’s not too far from town… plus we can borrow a car to do a little sightseeing.”

“Flyboys, it is…”

They heard the speakers already – and sighed.

“I’m sorry I was late,” Giselle apologized. “I was doing a few last-minute things and getting my bag ready.”

“It’s fine.”

“Can you imagine a week not hearing that?” she smiled.

“I’m looking forward to it,” he laughed easily. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Try to get some rest, okay?”

“You, too.”

They whispered their goodnights to each other as he kissed her softly, treasuring the gentleness of her presence and the way it made him feel.

No, leaving together was probably the best idea he’d ever had in his entire life… and he couldn’t wait to hold her close to him finally. His eyes drank her in as he watched her leave once again.

Soon, he kept telling himself… only to hear a tiny voice making themselves known at the back of his mind.

… And then what?

* * *

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