Page 46 of Forever Fabled

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“Loathe…” he drawled, smiling.



“I can’t wait for our vacation.”

“Me neither.”

“Goodnight and Merry Christmas, Giselle.”

“Sweet dreams – and Merry Christmas, Austin,” she uttered one last time before stepping back, seeing his eyes on her. “Thank you again for the beautiful earrings.”

“You are welcome – and thank you again for my awesome sunglasses. I love them and will get a lot of use out of them.”

“You’re welcome,” she said pertly, lifting her hand to wave. “See you tomorrow. Same time?”

“You got it, babe.”

She felt herself blush as she walked away, preening at the fact that he called her ‘babe’. Entering the building and ducking into the first room she saw with a computer unoccupied - she sat down.

She was still emotionally high from the evening’s atmosphere and dreamy soft kisses, and quickly replied to his email from earlier in the day.

* * *

To my favorite elf this Christmas…

Once upon a time…

Long, long ago…

There was a HANDSOME knight…

And a frustrated but BREATHTAKING paladin with infinite patience…

Who put up with the devilish rascal, because it made them both incredibly happy to take five minutes a day to see each other, share brief messages, and snack on unexpected delights in the moonlight…

But what that knight didn’t know was the paladin yearned for what she could not have, searching the world over for a treasure few would discover…

What a journey it would be - especially if they traveled together, pairing their skills and attributes that made each of them special…

Though she was scared, the paladin was intrigued – wanting to know more… And the valiant knight vowed to sweep her away to a foreign land – far, far away…

So, she took his hand, feeling more alive and happier than ever before...

He grabbed her hand, smiled at her, and whispered, ‘Baby, let’s run away together and never look back…’

She laced their fingers together, holding fast to this miracle before her, and whispered, ‘I’m ready when you are…’

Thank you for being the most amazing person I’ve met,




Austin was sothrilled and could barely contain himself. They had approved his leave, the plane tickets were purchased, and time flew past so quickly since Christmas.

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