Page 18 of Forever Fabled

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He clicked send and sat there for a minute, downing the rest of his water… and nearly choked as he saw her reply already. Clicking on it, he responded immediately before even reading it.

Don’t move – I’m online too.

I want to chat.

Clicking send, he went to read her email… and smiled.


This is such a bad idea in so many ways. I mean, we are in different branches and there is a fence for a reason. I probably shouldn’t have gone out there or even said anything, but my stupid mouth cannot keep from blurting out stuff.

If you have a sports drink, it might be better to get some electrolytes – sorry, not trying to ‘mom’ you, but that’s just the medic in me talking.


Exiting out of the email, he saw she had replied.

I’m here – you know this is insane, right?

He replied immediately, trying to keep his shy girl from running away again. She’d already done it once tonight, and he wanted to draw her out.

Why is it insane?

Two friends meeting in the middle of nowhere? Perfectly normal, I assure you.

Austin clicked send and saw she had replied again. His poor girl was panicking… and he might need to back off a bit.

Let’s just keep writing, okay? Please?

Don’t push me – I’m scared.

“Definitely time to back off…” he whispered aloud to himself, his mind racing as he tried to think of a way to reach through her panic, hating that this was the only way he could communicate with her.

Fair enough. Writing only.

Please don’t back away or regret being my friend. I will be going for a run tomorrow night – and if you are there, maybe we can talk.

If not, that’s okay, too.

Clicking send, he waited for several moments… and finally her name popped up on the screen.

Let me think – and maybe we can talk.

He replied immediately.

I’m not going anywhere… Ha ha ha.

I run in circles and keep coming back to this location – just like you. If you are there? Great. If you feel too nervous – that’s okay. I completely understand, Giselle.

Get some rest and please don’t worry – from one friend to another- okay? Now, I’m getting off the computer to get a shower because I stink.


Clicking send, he sat there for several minutes… just waiting. He was curious to see if she would respond again, especially if she thought he was ‘gone’ and his curiosity was killing him.

Of course it was insane!

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