Page 14 of Forever Fabled

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P.S. – Why?

Clicking send, she moved on to the next email… really happy that he was responding, and it gave her so much joy to just be able to communicate with someone – even if there were guidelines.


What were your selections?

You are asking me about my choices, yet you never tell me anything about yourself – and I am curious too. I still don’t know how you got my email address, but I’m not questioning it anymore but enjoying the interactions – a lot.

Please – tell me more.


P.S. Caramel… or chocolate is my favorite

Baseball – I played all throughout high school and ran track

Neither – I usually hitched a ride with friends or got a taxi. I suppose if I was to go buy one? I’d go for luxury because I want something a lot plusher than a bunk and a locker. Butt-warmers? Check! Steering wheel heater? Check! Cameras and dark windows? Check-check! How about SUV or extended cab truck? I wanna sit high… pilot, remember?

Okay – I’m guessing you are from Texas?

Ha ha ha!

Apparently, I know several people from there and should probably go sometimes. I’m from Little Rock, Arkansas.

Hot dogs or hamburgers? – Meat, period. If someone is grilling, I’ll eat.

Chips or fries? – Again, food.

I can put it away. Is a good macaroni salad an option on this one? I would pick macaroni salad with the crunch bits of celery over both choices above… but no peas. I don’t like peas in it.

Dr. Pepper… All. The. Way.

If you could go anywhere in the world – where would it be? … I would choose a coffee shop or café where we could say ‘hello’ for the first time – and it wouldn’t matter where it was.


Giselle sucked in her breath at the last comment, suddenly feeling very strange within her. He was making this sweet…friendly… and wanted to say ‘hello’ in person. Her heart was back to hammering against her chest as she looked down at her frumpy uniform and sweaty persona.

This wasnothow she wanted to meet a guy – and meeting him would change so many things. What if she thought he was nice, but he turned out to be not her type or…

What if she really liked him – and he wasn’t interested in her? She always heard that Air Force guys kept to themselves because they thought they were better than Army grunts… but Army was just as proud!

What was she supposed to say?

“Hey baby… your fence or mine?”

There were no cafes, no coffee shops, near here unless you went into town – and she really didn’t relish that idea. Medics patched up what came back from patrols into town. No, this needed to stay neutral, friendly, because she was definitely chicken.


Giselle felt slightly cornered now too, because she had already answered one email. He would be expecting responses from the other two emails he had sent her. It wasn’t like she could put it off or say there was no access to the computer. No, she was going to have to respond, or it would raise a red flag with her new pen pal.

Had she said something wrong or led him on?

She was now second guessing everything she was saying or doing. Was this what Gretchen meant when she warned Logan about giving her the pen pal… because things got weird fast when it was a guy and a girl chatting?

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