Page 13 of Forever Fabled

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Sending him a quick one, hoping to throw him off the track, she quickly typed a brief questionnaire to draw him out just as requested (sort of) by Captain Logan.

He asked her to pull him out of his funk and she wasn’t sure all the mind games were doing that. Yes, he responded, and the emails were getting longer and more frequent… but what was Logan really after? Information?

Oh, Sir Knight,

Indulge me in my curiosity, if you please…

Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry?

Basketball, baseball, football, or soccer?

Car or truck?

Northern guy… or good ol’ southern boy? (or Texas, because it’s in a realm of its own in my book! God bless the Lone Star State!)

Hot dogs or hamburgers?

Chips or fries?

Coke, Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper?

If you could go anywhere in the world – where would it be?

Your friend,


Clicking send, she waited.

* * *

It was onlya few hours later that she had a response.

Giselle was really grateful there was a computer in the clinic that she had access to. It would truly kill her to be one of the groups that only got to use it once a week. In fact, because of their ‘accesses’ to the internet, it did not put them on the rotation the rest of the troops were.

The troops, organized by groups, were given specific days and times to use the computers in the office – and they kept as many people ‘off’ the list as to give everyone a shot. If you worked in a room where there was a computer, they did not give you an allotted time slot. You had to work around everyone else, sharing… which meant she had company every time she sat down to check her email.

Sighing heavily, she clicked on ‘Receive/Send’ – and saw three responses from Austin.

Clicking on the first one, she swallowed heavily.


Where are you stationed?


Whoooaaaaa boy,her brain seized while her heart screamed an ‘Oh No!’ at each thump. This was not what anyone wanted or expected – and that profile against the sunrise this morning?

Thathadbeen him…

He was looking for her, and she now knew it.

Clicking reply, she remembered Logan’s advice – and used it.


Military communications specifically state that you cannot give away your location. I’m assigned as a medic to a base – and even that will probably get scrubbed in the filters.

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